dog paw requires care

Cushion burns, the dog's paw, can be severe and difficult to cure. See how to prevent

dog paw

Tiinuska image by Pixabay

The dog paw requires special care. Asphalt in urban areas can reach temperatures high enough to burn the pads, also known as dog paw pads. The problem is more common in summer, but it can happen at any time of year, as asphalt retains heat very easily.

According to the Secretariat of Green and the Environment, visits to public veterinary hospitals in the city of São Paulo as a result of burns on dog pads increase by an average of 40% in summer.

In addition to causing heat stroke and hyperthermia, hot weather can cause serious leg injuries. What's worse is that burns on a dog's pads are difficult to treat. Cuts, blisters, and detachment of the skin from the foot pad can lead to long-healing infections. Due to the constant contact of the dog's paw with the ground, healing on pads is slow.

For dogs of breeds such as pugs and bulldogs, the situation is worse, as the hot weather brings respiratory problems for them, the most frequent being "thermal stress", a syndrome that can be fatal for the animal. In winter, the opposite can happen and the dogs can feel cold.

how to prevent

To prevent injuries and burns to the dog's foot pads, walk him only during low sun hours, usually before 8 am or after 8 pm.

If you can, go barefoot or place the back of your hand on the sidewalk to check the floor temperature. Sometimes even after the sun is gone the asphalt is still hot.

Remember that shady grass or ground is always cooler than asphalt that receives direct light; give preference to these places at the time of the tour.

Moistening the dog's paw during the walk is also an alternative; bring a spare bottle of water for this.

Walk your dog on rougher floors (never hot), as this will help harden the paw pad, developing thicker skin that is less sensitive to burns and abrasion. But take it slowly and gradually if your dog is from an apartment and is not used to going out on the street, as the dog that walks only on smooth and smooth floor has more sensitive and thin cushions and requires frequent nail cuts.

If they show light scaling, moisturize the dog's paws with coconut oil. This is an effective and safe alternative as it is edible.

Pugs and bulldogs can pass out in the heat. To avoid this kind of suffering, place cold bags near the dog or keep him moist with wet towels.

how to treat

If unfortunately your puppy already has a burn or skin detachment on the pads; paw peeling or injured paw, urgent treatment is needed.

To find out if there is this type of problem, check if the dog limps, avoids putting his paw on the ground, licks the paw constantly or does not let him touch it. If blisters, bleeding or detachment are present, the case is more serious. It will be necessary to carry out a deep cleaning, use of ointments and bandages on the spot, in addition to a protective collar so that the animal does not tear off the dressing and/or lick the wound. Oral analgesics and antibiotics may also be needed. To take care of your dog's paw, see a veterinarian as soon as possible.

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