Ten consequences of global warming for health

The increased risk of allergies, asthma, lung diseases and lung cancer are some of the health consequences of global warming

consequences of global warming

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Global warming is a process that results from the intensification of the Earth's greenhouse effect, and its main consequences are climate change.

  • What is global warming?

Climate change resulting from global warming increases the intensity, frequency and impact of extreme weather events, whether cold or hot. These events, in addition to impacting the environment, which includes fauna, flora, atmosphere, ocean, geochemical and geophysical environment; they provide harmful effects to human health, such as increased risk of suicide, respiratory and cardiovascular problems, among others. Understand:

  • What is the greenhouse effect?
  • What is climate change in the world?

1. Increased risk of respiratory problems

The increased risk of respiratory problems caused by allergies, asthma, chronic lung diseases and lung cancer may be one of the consequences of global warming. That's because changes in carbon dioxide concentrations, atmospheric temperature, and precipitation can increase the amount of ozone, pollen, mold spores, fine particles, and chemicals in the air we breathe, and can irritate and damage the lungs and airways.

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If you are experiencing respiratory problems, if possible, try to move to another city, or spend less time in traffic (even with the windows closed, drivers inhale the harmful gases emitted by exhausts). Get medical help if you experience respiratory or allergic symptoms. Try to stay longer in green areas.

2. Increased risk of skin cancer and cataracts

Depleting ozone in the stratosphere allows more ultraviolet radiation to reach the Earth's surface, which can result in an increased risk of skin cancer and cataracts.

The problem is that people believe they are protected when using sunscreen, when, in fact, the sunscreen itself contains a carcinogen, oxybenzone. Understand this theme better in the article: "Oxybenzone: toxic compound is present in sunscreen".

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Some say that coconut oil is an alternative that can provide sun protection up to a certain level without having harmful effects on the skin, being a substitute for sunscreen in a pharmacy. However, studies are needed to prove its effectiveness for this function. For now, there is only research showing its moisturizing power. Understand this theme better in the article: "Coconut oil is good for the skin. Understand and know how to use it".

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While you don't feel safe exposing yourself to the sun, try wearing cotton clothes to cover your body and sunglasses. But take it easy, the sun is also important for the production of vitamin D. Don't turn into a vampire! If cancer worries you, check out some prevention tips in the stories:

3. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke

Other health consequences of global warming are increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Extreme temperatures combined with poorer air quality and the stress caused by intense weather events can overload the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, climate change may contribute to the spread of some insect vectors of diseases that can affect the heart, such as Lyme disease and Chagas disease.

Be sure to check the weather forecast. Protect yourself from extreme temperatures by staying indoors or at least staying in the shade or well sheltered. Knife check-ups with regularity to assess cardiovascular health, and do not ignore symptoms such as pain in the chest or arm, or difficulty walking, speaking or thinking. Try to manage your stress. Protect yourself from insects. Learn more tips in the stories:

  • Ten Tips to Avoid Heart Disease -
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  • Learn how to make natural insecticide and pest control in the garden

4. Heat exhaustion or heat stroke

Temperatures can reach such extreme degrees of heat that people can die. Learn more about this topic in the article: "Climate change will bring more deaths from heat waves".

  • Heat? Find out how to refresh your home environment

Be sure to check the weather forecast. Reduce outdoor time when it's too hot. Wear light clothing, caps and hats in the heat.

5. Malnutrition and obesity

Climate change can negatively affect food production, affecting plants and animals, leading to reduced availability of natural and healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

Climate change could also increase insect populations, leading to the use of more pesticides and chemicals that could otherwise remain in food. Extreme weather events can lead to contamination of the food supply with toxins such as lead, mercury and arsenic. In addition, toxic algae blooms can occur, which can hit the fish population and ultimately you.

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  • What are pesticides?

All of this can lead to increased dependence on highly processed and unhealthy foods.

  • What are fresh, processed and ultra-processed foods

Pay attention to the nutritional content of the food itself. Try to choose less processed foods that don't have too much sugar, salt or artificial ingredients. Talk about your diet with your doctor or nutritionist. Know your body and never outsource decisions about it. For nutrients, it's better to rely on real food, not supplements.

6. Foodborne illnesses

Changes in temperature, precipitation and sea levels, as well as extreme weather events, can create optimal conditions for the spread of disease-causing microbes, such as vibrio, which can contaminate food.

  • How to wash vegetables, fruits and vegetables

Follow government alerts on foodborne illnesses and research incident notifications from different food production and sales companies. Check the food safety rules in place and whether they are being adhered to. Regulations exist to protect the consumer.

Use good food preparation practices, such as washing your hands frequently and carefully, cleaning utensils and other objects that have touched raw or potentially contaminated food, and cooking food properly.

If you think you may be suffering from a foodborne illness, seek medical help as soon as possible. Some cases can be dangerous and fatal. In addition, the hospital can notify authorities in the event of an outbreak being suspected.

7. Mental health and stress-related problems

Extreme weather events like floods, forest fires and tornadoes are no fun. Much less pollution, unless you are profiting from it. Even small changes in temperature, precipitation and sea level can affect how you feel. One study showed that one of the consequences of global warming could be an increased risk of suicide. Understand this theme better in the article: "Global warming increases the risk of suicide, according to a study".

Pay attention to your own mental health. Don't be embarrassed or stigmata about admitting that you don't feel well or are facing mental health problems. Talk about your mental health with health professionals.

8. Insect-borne diseases

Changes in temperature, precipitation, humidity and other weather patterns can facilitate the spread, persistence and behavior of mosquitoes, barbers, ticks and other insects that can transmit diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, Zika, Chagas disease, West Nile fever and disease. Lyme.

Know where these insects normally live and how this may be changing. Wear protective clothing and insect repellent if exposed. Stay indoors during times when mosquitoes attack. Get rid of anything that might allow insects to breed, such as standing water in buckets, bathtubs, or tires.

Inform your doctor about traveling to a new place that may be at risk of transmitting disease from insects. You may need to be tested for some illnesses if you are at risk of getting them, so share your outdoor habits with your health care provider.

9. The four Ds

In English, the term "four Ds" refers to: damage, distress, disease, and death. In Portuguese it means, respectively: damage, anguish, illness and death. Even relatively small changes in temperature, humidity and other environmental aspects can trigger extreme events such as forest fires, landslides, hurricanes or floods.

Be prepared for these extreme events. Make sure your home is stocked with emergency supplies and know how to handle different types of events. Keep an eye out for disaster warnings and alerts. Get medical attention if you are injured during an extreme event. You might be more hurt than you think.

10. Fertility Problems

We only know the tip of the iceberg (which, by the way, may be melting) of the health consequences of global warming. Searches of University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have shown that climate change may be affecting fertility.

Adapted from Medscape

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