How to do liver cleansing

Adopting a diet with certain foods helps clean the liver

liver cleansing

Edited and resized image of Florencia Potter is available on Unsplash

Cleansing the liver is a practice to prevent liver problems. It basically consists of eating foods that are beneficial to the liver, but it does not replace conventional treatments. Understand:

Why do liver cleansing?

The liver is the organ that eliminates toxins from the body, stores fat from food, produces cholesterol, and uses it to make bile components (which help us detoxify). Factors such as increased stress, alcohol consumption, smoking, excess protein and malnutrition weaken liver functions, causing the body to accumulate fat and other toxins that damage health and hinder the maintenance of a healthy weight. Therefore, it is important to cleanse the liver with the intake of certain types of food.

  • Fats in the liver and its symptoms

On a daily basis, if we don't pay attention, due to breathing, food, ingestion of water and medication, among others, the body can absorb a multitude of waste products. Over time, these wastes accumulate, making the eliminating organs unable to clean the body. The body is no longer able to get rid of harmful waste, both endogenous and exogenous, symptoms begin to appear that indicate the need for a detox.

The person may begin to feel tired, notice abnormal hair loss, loss of appetite, insomnia, weakness, brittle nails and lack of energy. If the liver is sluggish, toxic metabolites that are released into the bloodstream can even affect brain function, causing unpleasant mood swings, depression, and affecting concentration and memory.

Treatment for liver fat can be seen as a permanent process and not just an option for when there is already a problem. Eating foods that are good for the liver and adopting a liver fat diet, which is focused on reducing liver fat, are important parts of balancing the body's natural functions. Consuming foods that detoxify the liver, especially after the excesses of the weekend, for example, is essential to maintain your health and should be done periodically. Dieting for liver fat from time to time is healthy, helps reduce calories, and still provides a significant amount of essential antioxidants. Find out about foods that you can include in your diet and that work as an ongoing or complementary treatment option for liver fat:

liver cleansing

Liver cleansing should be done on a low-fat diet, with easily digestible foods and plenty of water - agar agar gelatin, rice and carrots are good choices. Bet on cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, turnip and cabbage, which contain a substance called sulforaphane, capable of stimulating the activity of detoxifying enzymes in the liver.

  • Cabbage benefits

Regarding the form of preparation, foods that are good for the liver should, whenever possible, be cooked. Avoid alcoholic beverages, oils and fats so as not to aggravate the symptoms of liver problems, such as abdominal pain, preventing inflammation of the organ.

Foods good for the liver


Grapes, along with other plants, have a powerful antioxidant, resveratrol. This substance has been shown to have healthy effects on cardiovascular health and liver fat. Resveratrol helps maintain better metabolism and liver health.


Rich in cinnarine, which stimulates the production of bile, it is one of the foods that help cleanse the liver. It contains sulfur, which activates liver enzymes responsible for detoxifying toxins, and selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant, very beneficial to the liver.

  • Ten Benefits of Garlic for Health


Rich in vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and folic acid, avocado has chemicals that help reduce liver damage, helping the body produce an antioxidant known as glutathione, used by the liver to filter waste and harmful substances.

  • Avocado Recipes: Ten Easy and Delicious Preparations


Also known as turmeric, turmeric has great anti-inflammatory properties, which prevents the formation of ulcers and inflammatory bowel diseases, helping the liver in its detox work and preventing free radical damage.

  • Learn about the benefits of turmeric, the ground saffron

Green tea

Among the many properties of green tea is that of reducing liver fat accumulation. Different studies show that green tea protects liver cells, in addition to stimulating the immune system. Catechins, powerful antioxidants present in green tea, protect the liver from the effects of alcohol, tobacco and other harmful substances.


According to studies that demonstrate the therapeutic properties of dandelion on the liver, the plant successfully treats hepatitis, liver swelling, jaundice and indigestion in people with inadequate bile production. Dandelion leaves can be eaten fresh, in salads or in tea.

  • Dandelion: plant is edible and has health benefits


In addition to being rich in vitamin C, lemon is famous for aiding in the digestive process and eliminating toxins.

  • Lemon Juice: Benefits and Ways to Use


Provides cynarin, detoxifies and promotes waste removal. It is useful to restore the liver in case of liver failure and damage, liver disease and gallstones. Artichoke can be taken in the form of dried plant capsules.

  • How to make artichokes: seven recipes for cooking at home
It is also possible to enrich the cleansing with other foods and supplements that contain omega 3 nutrients, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A and magnesium, as they help the liver. If possible, buy local and seasonal produce that is fresh and free of chemical preservatives.

Diet suggestion for liver fat cleansing

  • Fasting: water and lemon;
  • Breakfast: fruit with oats and soy milk (instead of cow's milk) and a cup of dandelion tea;
  • Snack: centrifuged apple juice and drink plenty of water throughout the day;
  • Lunch: boiled rice and a portion of raw or cooked vegetables seasoned only with olive oil and lemon;
  • Snack: one fruit (papaya, orange, pineapple);
  • Dinner: steamed blue fish or salmon, accompanied by asparagus. Alternatively: two hard-boiled eggs and steamed broccoli;
  • Before going to sleep: dandelion tea or green tea.

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