What is the best type of reusable water bottle?

eCycle helps you choose the model that is best for your health

Reusable water bottles

Evita Ochel image by Pixabay

In winter, when respiratory and allergic problems grow, water becomes very important to combat possible illnesses. In summer, hydration becomes super necessary, as the loss of fluid from the body is greater. At any time of year, drinking water is good. But how do you drink your water?

We have already raised issues related to the consumption of PET bottles and the negative environmental impact caused by this type of product. There are also problems caused by the microplastic that comes off this type of bottle and the intoxication by several dangerous chemical compounds such as Bisphenol-A (BPA).

So what is the solution when it comes to storing water? One is the use of reusable bottles. This is a product that is becoming more and more popular, with countless models, designs, colors and styles. But those aren't the only details we should take into account when buying this type of container.

plastic bottles

Plastic bottle

ClassicallyPrinted image by Pixabay

The most common reusable bottles are made of this type of material. The main advantages are its low price, lightness and ease of washing.

On the other hand, some models still have BPA in their composition and can release toxins when heated. Studies show that bottles filled with hot water release chemical compound up to 55 times faster.

In this case, BPA assumes characteristics of a xenoestrogen, affecting neurological functions.

Another problem is when disposing of the bottle, which is often done in the wrong way, making the plastic, and the microplastic that it becomes, pollutants that are extremely dangerous for the environment.

aluminum bottles

aluminum bottle

Renespro image by Pixabay

This type of bottle does not face the same problems as plastic when it comes to disposal, since aluminum is recycled on a large scale in Brazil. Another advantage is its lightness, which makes it also a more practical option for everyday life.

On the other hand, it is not very resistant and can be easily crushed. Research shows that some models have an inner lining that can contain BPA, so be aware of this fact when purchasing this bottle model.

stainless steel bottles

stainless steel bottles

"the better bottle..." (CC BY 2.0) by michael pollak

More durable, stainless steel bottles offer several advantages. There is no risk of poisoning by chemical compounds, as with models made of plastic or aluminum, it is more hygienic and can be washed in the dishwasher.

On the other hand, they heat up easily, making it unsuitable for carrying cold drinks. Also, they are expensive and can dent if dropped.


Regardless of what material the bottle is made of, always pay attention to the manufacturer's usage specifications to get the most out of the product and minimize any health problems that may occur during its use.

Some models are made specifically for cold drinks, while others are just for hot drinks. Misuse can lead to reduced usage time of the product.

But remember: the simple fact of exchanging disposable cups for reusable models is already a big step forward.

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