Sweet orange essential oil: benefits and how to use

Sweet orange essential oil improves mood, short-term leg pain, among other benefits

sweet orange essential oil

Edited and resized image of Xiaolong Wong, is available on Unsplash

The sweet orange essential oil is extracted from the rind of the fruits of the species tree. citrus sinensis through cold pressing. Sometimes the leaves and flowers of the orange plant can also be used. In aromatherapy, it provides health benefits such as improving mood, relieving stomach pain, among others.

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Benefits of sweet orange essential oil

Antimicrobian activity

A study that examined the effect of orange essential oil on bacteria E. coli obtained from beef (which can cause food poisoning) concluded that, after 24 hours, a concentration of 1% or less of orange essential oil inhibited the bacteria at refrigeration temperatures.

Another study showed that orange essential oil is able to fight strains of Staphylococcus aureus, resistant to antibiotics. When added to infected human cells in culture, low concentrations of orange essential oil killed the bacteria without harming the cultured cells.

Orange essential oil can also prevent the growth of four species of fungi that can spoil food, according to a third study. Another study concluded that orange essential oil combats eight species of fungi that affect vegetables. However, clove essential oil and garlic essential oil were more effective.

Anxiety and Depression

Aromatherapy with sweet orange essential oil appears to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. In one study, aromatherapy with orange essential oil was found to reduce stress hormone levels in children undergoing a dental procedure.

Furthermore, in another study, women in labor reported less anxiety after inhaling orange essential oil than control women who inhaled distilled water.

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One study concluded that inhaling orange essential oil has depression-fighting potential.

pain relief

In a study of people with bone fractures, inhaling orange essential oil helped relieve pain. Compared to a control group, people who inhaled orange essential oil reported less pain.

In another study, researchers evaluated whether a mixture of ginger and orange essential oil could help relieve knee pain when applied to the skin. Compared to a control group, people who used the essential oil blend reported greater short-term pain relief, but the oil did not appear to help with long-term pain.

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Anticancer and Antioxidant Activity

Limonene, a terpene found in orange essential oil, can help inhibit the growth and promote the death of colon cancer cells. This was the conclusion of a study that looked at this effect in cells in vitro.

Another study found that orange essential oil inhibits the growth of lung and prostate cancer cell lines in vitro. In addition, there was increased cell death in the lung cancer cell line. The same study also concluded that orange essential oil has an antioxidant.

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Exercise performance

A study evaluated the effect of inhaled orange blossom essential oil during exercise practice in athletes. The researchers found that people who inhaled the oil had a significant decrease in run times as well as an increase in lung function.

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Weight loss

One study showed that obese rats fed orange essential oil capsules showed a reduction in weight gain and cholesterol.

insecticidal activity

One study looked at the effect that orange essential oil had on housefly larvae and pupae. It was found to have insecticidal properties by contact and fumigation.

How to use sweet orange essential oil


Maybe you want to improve your mood a little? Or maybe you would like to add the refreshing scent of orange to a room? Diffusion can help you do this.

A diffuser allows an essential oil to evaporate, usually using heat. As evaporation takes place, the perfume spreads throughout the room.

There are many types of diffusers that you can buy online or at specialty stores that sell aromatherapy products. Each type of diffuser will have its own specific set of instructions. Carefully follow all product instructions when using the product.

Cleaning spray

Want another way to add an orange scent to a space? Or maybe you would like to use orange essential oil as a natural cleanser? You can make an orange oil spray by following these steps:

  1. Add orange essential oil to water, preferably in a glass bottle. Use ten to 15 drops per cup of water;
  2. Shake the bottle well to mix the contents;
  3. Spray as desired.
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Massage oil

Are you looking to relieve pain or inflammation? Consider making your own orange essential oil infused massage oil.

To do this, you will need to dilute the orange essential oil in a carrier oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, and others. Use 20 drops of essential oil per 30 ml of carrier oil to make a 3% solution massage oil.

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Safety and Side Effects

Any essential oil has the potential to cause a skin reaction when applied topically. If you are concerned about a possible reaction, try a little diluted orange essential oil on the inside of the elbow before using it on larger areas.

Avoid using old or oxidized orange essential oil, which can cause skin sensitization. This is a type of allergic reaction that may not be noticeable after one use, but can cause severe reactions after you've used it a few times.

If there is any reaction, remove the essential oil with vegetable oil, as water will not work due to the difference in chemical polarity.

Some citrus essential oils are phototoxic. This means they can cause a painful skin reaction if you wear them on your skin and then go out in the sun.

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Orange essential oil has a low risk of phototoxicity, but you should be careful if you plan on getting off after using it on your skin.

As with other essential oils, follow these safety precautions when using orange oil:
  • Do not apply undiluted essential oil to the skin;
  • Keep oil out of eyes;
  • Store out of reach of children and pets;
  • If you use aromatherapy oil, make sure the space you're in is well ventilated;
  • If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription drugs, seek medical advice before using any essential oils.

what to look for

Orange essential oil can be purchased from online or physical stores. Follow the tips below to ensure you are purchasing good quality orange essential oil.
  • Check the scientific name label: citrus sinensis. Bitter orange essential oil is another oil with a very similar name: citrus aurantium. Don't confuse the two;
  • Check product purity. You should buy 100% pure orange essential oil. If this is not the case, it must be indicated on the label;
  • Choose dark glasses. Essential oil can be damaged by sunlight and tinted windows help to prevent this;
  • Smell the oil. If it doesn't smell orange, don't buy it or, if you got it online, return it (by law you have up to seven days to return it after the date of purchase).

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