How To Improve Blood Circulation With Eight Tips

See how some simple everyday changes help improve blood circulation

how to improve blood circulation?

How to improve blood circulation is a question of interest to some people who are used to a sedentary lifestyle and who have symptoms of poor circulation. But improving blood circulation can be easier than you think. Check out some simple tips on how to improve blood circulation that can help alleviate body aches, vascular problems and other symptoms of poor circulation. You can alleviate some of these symptoms with certain best practices. Even so, always consult a doctor for a better diagnosis.

How to improve blood circulation

go hiking

To improve blood circulation, put on your sneakers and go for a walk. But walk quickly, energetically and feel your heart work harder. Walking loses weight and increases blood flow, causing blood vessels to expand (lowering pressure) which, in turn, makes it more efficient to transport oxygen to peripheral parts of the body.

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how to improve blood circulation

take a moment to relax

woman relaxing

It's hard to go through an entire day without getting stressed about anything, isn't it? Stress is not only bad for your routine, it also damages your blood circulation. Stress, anxiety and depression tend to cause blood vessels to constrict and pump more blood to the major organs and less to the extremities.

So try to relax. Do breathing exercises, meditate, sleep well, get a massage or have a hobby: these are ways to get rid of stress.

use the stairs

One of the easiest tips to improve blood circulation is to use stairs. When you have an elevator available, hardly anyone cares about climbing steps. However, using stairs is a great exercise, especially for those who can't devote a time of day to exercise. Climbing stairs strains the calf muscles causing blood to flow from the lower leg to the toes.

climbing stairs

Add some molasses to the diet

Molasses is rich in iron and minerals that help the body produce red blood cells and support the immune system. And the best part: it has anti-inflammatory action. Just don't overdo it. Two to three teaspoons a day is enough.

how to improve blood circulation

Do not dispense spicy food

how to improve blood circulation

Peppers (especially the spiciest ones, such as cayenne pepper) have capsaicin, a substance with vasodilating properties, which stimulates blood flow. The spicier it is, the more capsicin it has.

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They also help balance LDL cholesterol levels and blood pressure, prevent clots from forming and, because they are rich in vitamins A and C, increase body temperature, which generates more blood flow and makes it all over. body space you need.

Enjoy ginger and saffron

Similar to pepper, ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They are good for improving blood circulation by preventing and dissolving the formation of clots and other blockages that can form along blood vessels.

  • Benefits of Ginger and its Tea
  • Ginger tea: how to make
  • Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Turmeric: The Many Health Benefits of Rich Indian Spice
how to improve blood circulation

do stretches

Sitting down for hours is not good for the body. So if you've been standing for a long time, whether at work, at home, or on a plane trip, get up and stretch. Walk a little. Stretch your legs. This will help improve blood circulation and prevent pain and fatigue.


Stop smoking

It can be very difficult to quit smoking, but this is a bad habit for the blood circulation in the body, because the nicotine contained in cigarettes damages the arterial walls and favors the appearance of varicose veins. Smoking constricts blood vessels and increases the chances of developing lung disease. So, put the cigarette down.

how to improve blood circulation

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