Ten Home Style Low Blood Pressure Remedy Tips

Low blood pressure is as worrisome as high blood pressure, get to know some types of home remedies to treat blood pressure

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Before starting to treat low blood pressure yourself, see a doctor or doctor to recommend the best treatment for you. Usually she or he will change or stop medications that lower the blood pressure or prescribe medications to treat the problem causing the low blood pressure. In addition, there are several natural remedy options for low blood pressure. Ask the professional who accompanies you if they are recommended in your case. Below is a list of 10 home-style low blood pressure remedies.

  • Low blood pressure: symptoms, causes and treatments

1. Orange juice with tomato

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Rirri image on Unsplash


  • 3 large oranges;
  • 2 ripe tomatoes.

Way of doing:

  • Extract the juice from the oranges and blend them in a blender with the tomatoes;
  • If you find the flavor too strong, you can add a little water;
  • Take 250 ml of this juice twice a day for five days.

2. Rosemary tea with fennel

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Couleur image by Pixabay


  • 1 teaspoon of fennel;
  • 1 teaspoon of rosemary;
  • 3 cloves or cloves, headless;
  • 1 glass of water with approximately 250 ml.

Way of doing:

  • Add a teaspoon of fennel, a teaspoon of rosemary and three cloves or cloves without head to the glass of water;
  • Put everything in a pan over a low heat and let it boil for 5 to 10 minutes;
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes;
  • Strain and drink every night before bed.

3. Raisin

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Håkan Stigson image by Pixabay

About 30 grapes soaked in water overnight serve as food and drink the next day. Eat fasting and drink water. The raisin works as a natural remedy to help treat low blood pressure.

4. Carrot juice

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Couleur image by Pixabay

Drink free carrot juice to treat low blood pressure! It's a great natural remedy.

5. Lemon juice

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Drink lemon juice in moderation because of its gastric effects, but enjoy the benefits of lemon as a low blood pressure remedy. It contains vitamin C, potassium and prevents dehydration (which can lead to blood pressure drops).

6. Water with salt

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Kobu Agency image in Unsplash

A great remedy for low blood pressure, even in cases of a sudden drop, is to drink half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. This helps to treat low blood pressure, due to the sodium in the salt.

7. Beet juice

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Beetroot juice is one of the natural remedy options for low blood pressure - drinking two glasses of juice a day can keep your blood pressure from going down again.

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8. Regulated food

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Consume more salty carbohydrates in small portions several times a day (every two to three hours). Among them are: tapioca, breads, pasta, vegetables, fruits, nuts, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, potatoes, rice and whole grains. Add a little more salt than usual along with the carbs and drink plenty of water throughout the day to make up for the extra salt intake. This will improve your blood circulation and is a great remedy to prevent low blood pressure attacks.

9. Licorice tea

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GOKALP ISCAN image by Pixabay


  • 1 licorice spoon (5 grams)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

Way of doing:

  • Heat the water and when it boils, add the licorice;
  • Remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes;
  • Strain and drink.

Take a look at the video below to learn more about low blood pressure:

Additional Tips

Try to consume:

  • More liquids (except soda). Dehydration decreases blood volume, causing blood pressure to drop. Staying hydrated is especially important during exercise;
  • Vitamin B12 supplement. Supplementing B12 may help, as a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to a type of anemia that causes low blood pressure and fatigue;
  • Foods rich in folate. An insufficient amount of folate can also contribute to anemia. Examples of foods rich in folate include asparagus, beans, lentils, citrus fruits and leafy greens;
  • Salt. Salty foods can raise blood pressure. Try eating soup and pickled products like olives.

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