Practical, beautiful and economical rainwater catchment system

Vertical cistern is a rainwater catchment system option that guarantees economy and practicality

rainwater catchment system

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Rainwater harvesting is an alternative to save on the water bill. But do you know of a practical and affordable system, also called a cistern? It is a type of rainwater harvesting system for domestic purposes.

  • Reuse water and use of rainwater: what are the differences?

This rainwater harvesting system has been one of the most efficient alternative solutions used when saving water and money. However, like any system, it has advantages and disadvantages. But what if we showed models of cisterns that have more positives than negatives?

  • How to treat rainwater?

One of them is the Modular Vertical Cistern made by Tecnotri. Produced in polyethylene from the rotational molding process (which makes it lighter, more durable and resistant), the product has several capacities, is compact and does not need to be buried, which reduces installation costs. Due to its practicality, it can be installed in houses, buildings and condominiums and, because it is compact, it can be placed on balconies, terraces or even as a garden decoration, being easy to install in the gutter system. As it is modular, you can buy as many cisterns as you like and couple them together to get more liters stored.

rainwater catchment system

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The rainwater cistern offers savings of up to 50% in water consumption, using the water collected to wash floors, cars, gardens and toilet flushes, which are responsible for a good part of the high water consumption of households. throughout Brazil, helping to preserve water assets and thus reducing the water footprint.

One of the most important precautions for any owner of a rainwater collection system is to ensure that there is always a functional and clean filter to prevent the entry of impurities and clogging. The Modular Vertical Cistern has its own filters (an anti-mosquito and another leaf eliminator), in addition to being non-toxic and containing antimicrobial additives that prevent the proliferation of algae and the additive against UV8, which ensures that plastic products do not crack, dry out or fade, as is common with other models of plastic cisterns. It is also completely fenced, thus preventing the procreation of dengue mosquito larvae.

water catchment

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Due to the accumulated dirt found in the gutters, cistern owners must reject the first liters of water to avoid any kind of contamination. In the case of Tecnotri's product, the modular vertical cistern comes with a drain that discards the first liters, causing less inconvenience when storing water.

  • Remember, even with filters and additives, rainwater is not potable, that is, it is not suitable for human consumption because it can contain elements such as dust particles, soot and toxic substances such as sulfate, ammonium and nitrate. See how to make it drinkable in the article: "How to treat rainwater".
  • Sanitize your cistern every six months to prevent disease transmission.
  • Each liter corresponds to a kilo, so try to place your modular vertical cistern in a place that can support its full weight.
water catchment

Tecnotri Image/Disclosure

In addition to all these advantages, the vertical cistern also comes in five different colors (dark blue, green, dark gray, orange and beige) to match your home decor. And there's no denying it, she's cute, isn't she?

If interested, you can buy the product at eCycle store, available in capacities of 600 liters or 1000 liters in two versions.

Understand more about the modular vertical cistern in the video.

water catchment

Tecnotri Image/Disclosure

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