"Inspire" has illustrations and phrases to color, frame and give away

inhale is a special coloring book, made for those who enjoy this hobby, but also want to share their art with other people.

Inspire Felipe Tosin Editora Voo

inhale , published by Editora Voo, features illustrations by artist Felipe Tosin and was printed with a spiral finish, which facilitates handling and highlighting of the pages. In each of the images is an inspirational phrase selected from the thoughts of great leaders and artists.

At the end of each illustration, your art can be highlighted and you can choose how you want to share it, whether by attaching it to a mural, placing it in a frame to stand out on the wall, or even turning it into a personalized gift to give to whoever Do you like.

For each illustration, a message that inspires. For every book sold, a reward for those who need it.

But what makes the inhale even more special is that, for each book sold, Editora Voo offers a counterpart, donating a kit with art material for institutions that work with children and adolescents.

That's why, with inhale , you experience much beyond the simple coloring hobby.

Check out more details of inhale on video:

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