Know all about cell phone chargers and their batteries

Experts recommend not leaving your cell phone charging overnight

Phone charger

Image of Markus Winkler in Unsplash

A cell phone with no or low battery is one of the biggest problems in the super-connected world. Going out with a cell phone charger is something that has become part of people's routine, as you need to be prepared for any emergency situation.

Today's cell phones feature rechargeable batteries made of lithium. These batteries are lighter than their predecessors, withstand higher electrical voltages and currents, and have a longer service life. It is estimated that the batteries used by smartphones modern models can withstand between 400 and 500 load cycles without performance losses.

Despite having several safety sensors, such as thermometers, ammeters, voltmeters and humidity indicators, the misuse of cell phones can lead to accidents involving the process of charging and discharging the batteries.

Cautions when charging your cell phone battery

The main precaution when charging your cell phone battery is to make sure you use only original chargers. Although they operate in a similar way, parallel chargers have not passed the same quality tests and generally do not have the same certifications. Also, cheaper chargers are likely to lack some safety devices such as power controllers, thermometers, and efficient heat sinks.

The biggest cause of cell phone accidents occurs during battery charging. In this process, it is normal for the devices to heat up as a result of the increase in the electrical current that passes through them. However, most original batteries are designed to work at high temperatures and are capable of interrupting the supply of electrical current in the event of overheating.

Dust and moisture should always be avoided, as their contact with the positive and negative battery terminals can lead to short circuits. During a short circuit, the cell phone battery can reach very high levels of temperature, causing fires.

It is also essential to prevent the cell phone from coming into contact with excessive moisture, as it can oxidize the device's internal circuits. Oxidation increases the electrical resistance of conductive materials, increasing the electrical energy dissipated as heat during the charging process. This process can cause the device to overheat.

Another important precaution is not to cover the cell phone or charger. When covered, these devices have significantly reduced heat dissipation capacity due to decreased heat flow. Thus, overheating can occur, which increases the possibility of malfunction of the device.

Top questions about cell phone chargers and batteries

Is it recommended to use the cell phone while it charges?

According to Senac-RS computer science professor Luiz Henrique Rauber Rodrigues, overheating the device is the main problem when handling it while charging the battery, especially in cell phones with "quick" or "turbo" charging options. due to the large amount of energy and volts used in the action.

In addition to increasing the risk of explosion, using your cell phone while it is charging will damage the battery. The ideal, when you are charging your cell phone, is not to touch it, explains the professor.

Is there a faster loading method?

Charging the phone with it turned off or in airplane mode can increase the efficiency of the process, according to experts. This is because the smartphone no longer wastes battery power with other functions.

Cellphones charge faster on a 220V outlet?

According to researchers, the voltage of the outlet does not change how quickly the battery recharges. The charger adapter converts the voltage from the outlets to the correct voltage for cell phones. This means that, regardless of the voltage, the cell phone battery will charge at the same speed in both situations.

Can the cell phone battery become addictive?

No. Battery addiction occurred when cell phones were equipped with older charge storage technologies. Current lithium-based technologies are non-addictive, meaning you can charge your phone at any time without harming it.

What are the possibilities of the cell phone exploding and catching fire? What to do in a situation like this?

According to studies, explosions are the result of overheating devices. The heat can create a short circuit between the battery's positive and negative poles, starting a chain reaction that combusts the flammable components of the battery. Leaving the cell phone charging for a long time is one of the situations that can lead to overheating and a possible explosion. In addition, dropping the device can also eventually cause it to short-circuit, as it dents the electrical current conductor poles.

However, these situations occur infrequently. In the event of an explosion, do not use water to extinguish the flames, this only increases the danger. Ideally, use a chemical fire extinguisher or a non-flammable, conductive material such as sand and earth.

Is it advisable to take the phone out before it charges 100%?

It is not advisable to let the battery fully charge as exposure to high voltage can harm it in the long run. You smartphones they have batteries made of lithium, which are designed to be smart and optimize charging, meaning they are able to work with good performance without needing to be 100% charged. The ideal is to always be 50% or 60% charged and never let it reach its maximum.

Can you leave your cell phone charging all night?

Many people have the habit of putting the cell phone to charge at night, but this is not the healthiest practice for the battery of the smartphone. By leaving the cell phone charging all night, the device is subjected to a constant state of alert caused by overcharging. This also stresses the battery and puts a lot of strain on its performance. Therefore, the ideal is never to keep the cell phone plugged in when it is fully charged.

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