Company creates patented rapid composting technique

The idea is to close the "waste cycle"

Have you thought about a faster and more practical composting process than usual, developed especially for the type of waste you generate? That's exactly what the company BioIdeias offers.

The process is based on a patented system created by the researcher from Minas Gerais, Lázaro Sebastião Roberto, which uses enzymes extracted from algae, catalysts and minerals to compost in a few hours.

The final product of composting, according to Roberto, depends on the composition of the waste used. An example of the application of this technique can be seen on the green roof of Shopping Eldorado, in São Paulo, where the system was suitable for composting food scraps and kitchen waste in small environments and indoors.

The city of Mariana in Minas Gerais also adopted the composting system. There, 20 tons of organic waste are processed every day, a number that represents 50% of everything collected daily in the city. The resulting biofertilizer is used to recover degraded areas and crops.

In the city of Patrocínio, in São Paulo, organic waste from the ceramics industry is transformed into biomass that is used in the industry itself.

Roberto got the idea while working in the mining industry developing gem cleaning processes. When trying to solve the problems caused by cleaning by-products, he arrived at the solution that today is the rapid composting process.

According to the researcher, the aim is to close the “waste cycle”, by giving an appropriate end to a good part of the waste generated by people and companies.

While the more agile process does not spread, click here and learn a little more about the possibilities of making homemade composting with the tools currently available on the market.

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