Candidiasis: learn about food that works as a natural remedy

Know which foods to prioritize and which to avoid to fight candidiasis

candidiasis treatment food

Anna Pelzer image available on Unsplash

Do you have thrush? Know that proper nutrition is a great ally in the fight against candidiasis, since the fungus first spreads in the intestine. It is possible to consume or use some foods as natural remedies to help fight the Candida. And it's also good to be smart to avoid other types of food that can make the situation worse.

  • Candidiasis in men: what it is and how to treat it
  • What is vaginal thrush?

In any case, seek medical help to find out what is the most appropriate treatment for your type of candidiasis (learn more in "Candidiasis: know causes, symptoms, types and learn how to treat it").

Foods that are good

macerated raw garlic


Raw garlic is considered a natural antibiotic for thrush. You can eat at least two garlic cloves a day. Another recommendation is to consume a wholemeal garlic sauce, which can be placed in various dishes, such as soups, salads and rice and beans. But it needs to be eaten raw and macerated.



Probiotics are foods (or products) that contain live microorganisms that provide health benefits. They help to improve the body's immunity by balancing the intestinal flora with beneficial microorganisms.

Examples of probiotic foods are fermented ones such as sauerkraut, kimchee, kombucha, kefir, pickled ginger, pickled cucumber, fermented beetroot, among others. But probiotics can also be found in capsules or sachets sold at pharmacies.

Some probiotics can help prevent diarrhea caused by infections or antibiotics. They can also help reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Learn more about probiotics in the article: "What are probiotic foods?".


Unlike probiotic foods, which are, as already mentioned, those that contain good microorganisms, prebiotics are parts of the foods we eat that serve as food for the beneficial microorganisms in the intestine. These are substances that humans cannot digest, but which are digested by the beneficial bacteria in our intestines. These bacteria play important roles in the body, such as protecting the digestive tract from harmful fungi and bacteria, sending signals to the immune system, and helping to regulate inflammation.

  • What are prebiotic foods?

Therefore, to fight candidiasis through food, it is not enough to ingest probiotics, it is necessary to support them by also ingesting prebiotics. Examples of prebiotics are green banana flour, raw vegetables; beans (carioca beans, black beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas); oatmeal (in the gluten free version); banana; asparagus; raw fruits; dandelion; garlic; leek; onion and raw vegetables.

Coconut oil and tea tree essential oil

Lauric acid (the same as in breast milk) and caprylic acid in coconut oil have an immunomodulating function and also kill fungi. You can ingest raw coconut oil in juices, salads and other dishes. Or carry out the treatment applying directly to the area affected by thrush. It is also possible to ingest a tablespoon of coconut oil a day. To improve the effectiveness of external application, add a drop of tea tree essential oil to coconut oil. But do the skin test on your arm first to make sure you don't have allergies.

Tea tree essential oil is a potent natural antibiotic. Learn more about it in the article: "Tea tree oil: what is it for?". To learn more about coconut oil, take a look at the article: "Coconut oil: benefits, what it is for and how to use it".

candidiasis food

Oregano Oil


Oregano essential oil contains an antifungal and antibacterial substance called carvacrol, making it a great home remedy for thrush. You can apply three drops of oregano essential oil mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil on the area affected by thrush, leaving it to act for a few hours. The procedure should be repeated daily, until the candidiasis disappears. Drink a glass of water (200 ml) with three drops of oil of oregano twice a day for at least a week. Learn more about it in the article: "Oregano essential oil: applications and benefits".

Pumpkin seed

candidiasis treatment food

It has a direct action to kill fungi such as candidiasis, but it is necessary to release the compounds trapped in it. To do this, beat the pumpkin seeds in a blender and use "pumpkin salt" in different dishes. Okay, now you know one more item to add to your diet and fight thrush. Learn more about pumpkin seeds in the article: "Seven Pumpkin Seed Health Benefits".


Flaxseed boosts the immune system due to the presence of omega 3. To make this compound available, place the flaxseeds in a cup of water until they form a gel. You will have the best bioavailable omega 3s.

candidiasis treatment food

raw dark green leaves

candidiasis treatment food

Dark green leaves have a strong detoxifying effect. When thrush fungi start to die, they release toxins. To eliminate these toxins, consume plenty of arugula, watercress, kale, broccoli, and other dark green vegetables.

lemon and orange peel

candidiasis treatment food

Yes, lemon and orange peels can be included in the diet against thrush. They have a substance called d-limolene, which contributes a lot to the body's detoxification. Make lemon and orange zest and store in the refrigerator to add to juices, salads and other dishes. To learn more about lemon benefits, take a look at the article: "Lemon Benefits: From Health to Cleanliness".

Food to avoid at any cost!

Remove milk and dairy products, sugar (any type, including honey), bread (even wholemeal), cakes, sodas, sweets, pasta, white rice, gluten (it is a poorly digested protein that works as a food for the Candida), mushrooms (except the shitake) and other fermented foods such as vinegar, wine, beer, sake and gorgonzola cheese.

For excellent results, this diet should be carried out for at least three months. But for those who suffer from chronic candidiasis the ideal is to do it forever. Avoid gluten, mainly. Learn more about it in the article: "What is gluten? Bad guy or good guy?".

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