Eggplant water: how to do it and what are its benefits

Benefits of eggplant water include help with weight reduction and diabetes control

eggplant water slims

Eggplant is rich in fiber, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and has few carbohydrates, being widely used in weight loss diets. This vegetable is made up of 90% water! "Wow, that much water?" Yes, and the good news is that eggplant water has many nutrients that are good for the body, as it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, vitamin C and vitamin E, in addition to minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron. You can also add a few slices of eggplant to a jar of water and make your own eggplant water.

Check out more details about the benefits of eggplant water:

  • What is vitamin C and why is it important?
Eggplant water slims

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prevents cancer

Eggplant is purple in color because of the presence of antioxidants, including anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and flavonoids - the latter act in the body by decreasing the actions of free radicals that attack cells, preventing the body from premature aging and protecting it against the cancer.

Control diabetes

People who have diabetes need to eat a diet rich in fiber, as it slows down the rate of digestion and the absorption of glucose into the blood is slower. For every 100 grams of eggplant, 2.9 grams are fiber - when drinking eggplant water, these fibers create a "cover" around the food ingested and make it difficult for the body to absorb sugar. In addition, eggplant water also detoxifies the body.

Aid in digestion

Eggplant water is beneficial for those with constipation, as its high fiber content regulates the intestines and improves digestion. Due to its diuretic effect, eggplant water also helps to relieve fluid retention, being an ally for those who want to lose weight.

Reduces cellulite

Cellulite dimples are inflammation in cells caused by eating fatty foods - eggplant water works as an anti-inflammatory that reduces cellulite.

protect the heart

The anthocyanin present in eggplant husks reduces bad blood cholesterol. Soluble dietary fiber decreases the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine, and flavonoids prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, preventing the inflammation called atherosclerosis, which forms plaque in the walls of the heart's vessels.

Does eggplant water get thin?

Eggplant lemon water speeds up metabolism, detoxifies the liver and fights hunger. When soaking in water for a while, eggplant releases a substance called saponin, which helps to break down body fat. However, to really lose weight it is necessary to consume at least three glasses of eggplant water before main meals, follow a balanced and low-calorie diet, and exercise to help with the results. (And don't forget that the first step to losing weight and maintaining a healthy life is to change your eating habits, consuming more and more natural foods. Check out seven tips for healthy and sustainable eating.)

Prevents Abdominal Fat

Because it contains saponin, eggplant works as a detergent in our body, breaking down the blood fat molecules and preventing the body from absorbing them. The soluble dietary fiber present in eggplant skin forms a gel in the stomach that delays gastric emptying, giving the feeling of satiety for a longer time and reducing the absorption of certain fats, eliminating them in the feces.

How to make eggplant water


  • 1 medium or large eggplant;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 jar or bottle of water;
  • Sodium bicarbonate;
  • Apple vinegar.

Method of preparation

  • Clean the eggplant by washing it with baking soda and apple cider vinegar to remove as much toxic impurities as possible;
  • After applying the vinegar (it can be another type if you can't find the apple vinegar), rinse the eggplant well to get the taste of what was used for cleaning out;
  • Cut the eggplant into slices of about 1 cm and a half - do not remove the skin as it contains many important nutrients;
  • Add each slice to the jar or bottle. After all, add 1 liter of water;
  • After following these steps, the eggplant water should rest in the refrigerator overnight (it is recommended to make the water before bedtime).
  • just consume
Note: You can add lemon to eggplant water, as it also has many important vitamins, it enhances the properties of eggplant water, making the results of its consumption greater. Learn more in the article: "Water with lemon: uses and benefits".

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