Five Home Remedy Options for High Blood Pressure

Garlic, banana, guava and more... Discover home remedy options to help control high blood pressure

home remedies for high blood pressure

Edited and resized image by Mike Kenneally is available on Unsplash

That "little pressure problem", if left untreated, can lead to serious complications such as stroke, kidney failure and heart attack. To treat your health, it is recommended to know what are the causes, symptoms and treatments of high blood pressure and always consult a doctor for an adequate treatment. Below, we've listed some home remedy options for high blood pressure. These are foods that you can add to your diet to help with treatment - ask the professional who monitors your condition if the consumption of these natural remedies is recommended in your case. Check out:

High Blood Pressure Remedies

water and lemon

As it is rich in vitamin C, lemon is very effective in treating high blood pressure, as vitamin C works as an antioxidant, cleaning the veins of free radicals and slowing down the aging process. To make an efficient refreshment, just squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of warm water (250 ml), mix well and do not add sugar - drink daily in the morning, preferably while fasting, without having had breakfast . See how to make this home remedy for high blood pressure in the video:

  • Too much coffee increases the chance of high blood pressure in predisposed people
  • Lemon Juice: Benefits and Ways to Use


home remedies for high blood pressure

Edited and resized image by Mike Dorner is available on Unsplash

Because it is rich in potassium, bananas are a great home remedy to control high blood pressure. One or two a day is enough for prevention.

guava vitamin

home remedies for high blood pressure

Edited and resized image by Juan Camilo Guarin P, is available on Unsplash


  • 2 red guavas;
  • 500 ml of vegetable milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of maple syrup.

Method of preparation

To make this high blood pressure home remedy, blend all the ingredients in a blender until you get a creamy consistency; sweeten with maple syrup and the smoothie will be ready. Drink the vitamin at least three times a week. Guava is low in sodium and high in potassium.


Garlic is able to lower blood pressure levels and helps to relax the veins by stimulating them to produce hydrogen sulfide and nitric oxide. When used as a home remedy for high blood pressure, it is recommended to consume two cloves of garlic a day, which can be eaten raw, cooked or in the form of tea - but the best way to consume the item is raw, as its effect is more fast and straight forward.

  • Ten Benefits of Garlic for Health

Eggplant juice with orange

home remedies for high blood pressure

Edited and resized image by Olivier Guillard is available on Unsplash


  • 1/2 raw eggplant with skin
  • 1 orange with bagasse, but no peel
  • 1 glass of water

Way of doing

Blend all ingredients in a blender, strain and drink right away, preferably in the morning and without any sweetening. It is a great home remedy for high blood pressure!


If you have any symptoms of high blood pressure, always look for a health professional, even if it is just a suspicion. High blood pressure is a huge health risk and constant medical monitoring is needed to treat it correctly. The natural and home remedies we've listed are beneficial and help alleviate the problem, but never rule out medical help and treatment.

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