10 Home-Style Sleep Remedy Tips

Practicing yoga, avoiding blue light and taking a valerian supplement are some tips that work as a sleep remedy

sleeping remedy

Edited and resized image of Annie Spratt, is available on Unsplash

Some sleep remedy tips can improve the routine of insomnia sufferers. If that's your case, check out the list below with home-style and natural-style options:

  • Insomnia: what is it, teas, remedies, causes and how to end insomnia

Take valerian supplement

Valerian is a medicinal plant widely used as a sleep remedy. It is sedative, calming, acts against depression and stress. It is also widely used in the treatment of chronic diseases, such as celiac disease, attention deficit disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn's disease, and even to control addictions such as smoking and alcoholism, since its components help fight the anxiety and insomnia caused by withdrawal.

The root and rhizome are the parts most used as a sleep remedy. From these parts, supplements, teas, capsules and pills are made.

It is not advisable to mix it with alcohol, other sedatives or similar plants, as its effect can be intensified and cause excessive drowsiness. Overdose can have side effects such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting, fatigue and gastrointestinal upset.

Valerian root is also not suitable for pregnant women, people with respiratory allergies and children under three years of age. In addition, it should not be used for a long time, regardless of how it is consumed. It is recommended a period of four to six weeks to complete the treatment, always seek medical help to get a professional opinion on the use of valerian as a sleep remedy. To learn more about valerian, take a look at the article: "Valerian: what it is for, indication and side effects".

practice mindfulness

The practice of mindfulness (mindfulness, in English) consists of breathing slowly and deeply while observing the body's own reactions, such as breathing, body, thoughts, feelings and sensations.

The term mindfulness designates, within the context of psychotherapy, a mental state that is characterized by the self-regulation of attention to the present experience, which allows the individual to become more aware of their mental processes and actions.

meditation mindfulness it has numerous health benefits that go hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle, acting as a sleeping pill. It also reduces stress, improves concentration and boosts immunity.

One study concluded that meditation significantly improved insomnia and overall sleep patterns. Participants attended a weekly meditation class, a one-day retreat and practiced at home for a few months.

You can meditate as often as you like. If you don't have time for a longer session, try doing 15 minutes in the morning or evening. Consider joining a meditation group once a week to keep yourself motivated. You can also choose to do an online guided meditation.

Meditation is safe to practice, but it has the potential to bring about strong emotions. If you feel you are causing more distress than benefits, discontinue the practice and look for another option that can act as a sleep remedy.

Avoid blue light at night

Blue light is a range of visible light spectrum, with a wavelength between 400 and 450 nm. There are natural blue light sources, such as the sun, and artificial sources, such as electronic equipment. Exposure to unnatural blue light sources is becoming ever greater, originating from a variety of technologies such as computers, cell phones, televisions and light bulbs.

While natural exposure to blue light during the day improves mood, alertness and mood, prolonged exposure to blue light from everyday technologies (especially at night) affects the circadian rhythm, causing a number of harmful effects.

Scientists believe this is due to the presence of blue light-sensitive cells in the retina, which suppress the production of melatonin (an important sleep-promoting hormone). To avoid this kind of circadian rhythm imbalance, avoid exposing yourself to artificial light at dusk and at night. Learn more about this topic in the article: "Blue Light: what it is, benefits, harm and how to deal with it".

  • What is circadian rhythm?

repeat a mantra

A mantra (from the Sanskrit man, mind and Tra, control or protection, means "instrument to guide the mind") is a syllable or poem, usually in Sanskrit. Mantras originated from Hinduism, but they are also used in Buddhism and Jainism, as well as notorious for spiritual practices that have no connection with established religions. In Tantrism, they are used to materialize the deities.

Repeating a mantra or positive affirmation over and over can help to focus and calm your mind, acting as a sleep remedy.

In one study, homeless women who silently repeated a mantra during the day and before bed for a week had a reduction in sleep difficulty.

You can choose a mantra in Sanskrit, English or another language. search for ideas online or create one for yourself. Choose a mantra that you find pleasant and calming. It should be a simple, positive statement in the present tense. A good mantra will allow you to continually focus on the repetition of the sound, which will allow you to relax and act as a sleep remedy.

Chant the mantra mentally or out loud, keeping your focus on the words. Bring your mind back to the mantra every time it wanders. Feel free to recite your mantra as often as you like. If you feel the mantra is causing any unwanted effects or agitation, discontinue the practice.

practice yoga

The concept of yoga refers to traditional physical disciplines originating in India. The word is associated with meditative practices and is often remembered by asanas (postures). One study has shown that the practice of yoga can act as a sleep remedy, relieve stress, improve body function and increase mental focus.

  • Yoga: Ancient Technique Has Proven Benefits

Choose a style that focuses more on moving meditation or breath work, as opposed to difficult physical movements. Slow, controlled movements allow you to stay present and focused.

Strive to do a few longer sessions each week and at least 20 minutes of daily practice. Performing the postures before bed can help you relax and unwind.

If a pose doesn't feel right to you, don't push it.


Exercise improves overall health. It can be good for your mood, give you more energy, help with weight loss and act as a sleeping pill.

Participants in one study who exercised at least 150 minutes a week for six months showed significant improvement in insomnia symptoms. They also showed a decrease in depression and anxiety.

To receive these benefits, you must exercise moderately for at least 20 minutes a day. You can add some strength training or aerobic exercise a few times a week. Find the time of day that best suits your needs and has the most positive effect on your sleep.

Take into account the condition of your body and exercise as much as you can. Physical injury can happen, but it can be avoided if you practice carefully.


Researchers in a 2015 study found that massage therapy benefits people with insomnia by acting as a sleep remedy. It can also reduce feelings of pain, anxiety and depression.

If professional massage is not a viable option, you can self-massage or have a friend or partner do it.

  • Discover 12 types of massage and their benefits

take magnesium

Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral. In the human body, it helps to relax muscles and relieve stress.

Study participants who took 500 milligrams (mg) of magnesium a day for two months experienced reduced insomnia and improved sleep patterns.

Men can consume up to 400 mg per day and women can consume up to 300 mg per day. You can choose to split your doses between morning and night or take your dose before bed.

You can also add a cup of magnesium flakes to the evening bath, allowing the magnesium to be absorbed through the skin.

Side effects include stomach and intestinal problems. But you can start with a smaller dose and gradually increase it to see how your body reacts. Taking it with food can reduce any abdominal discomfort. If you take any medication, seek medical help to find out if there is drug interaction.

You shouldn't be taking magnesium supplements constantly. Take a break for a few days every two weeks. Do not take more than the recommended dose found on the product.

  • Magnesium: what is it for?

take lavender capsules

Lavender is can improve mood, reduce pain and promote sleep. Results of a study showed that lavender oil capsules can act as an excellent sleep remedy; and they are able to improve depression and reduce anxiety.

Take 20 to 80 mg of lavender by mouth each day, or use as directed. You can add lavender essential oil to a diffuser or sprinkle it on your pillow. Lavender tea is also an option.

Although lavender is a very safe herb to use, it can cause headaches, constipation or nausea.

  • The Amazing Benefits of Lavender
  • Lavender essential oil has proven benefits

use melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone that acts as a sleep remedy and improves sleep quality. Researchers in one study found that it significantly improves sleep patterns in people with cancer and insomnia. Sleep quality improved even more between seven and 14 days.

Take 1 to 5 mg 30 minutes to two hours before bed. You should use the lowest possible dose, as higher doses can cause side effects such as depression, dizziness, headache, irritability, upset stomach, and being awake at night.

To learn more about melatonin, take a look at the article: "What is melatonin?".

Certain lifestyle changes can also help reduce your insomnia symptoms and act as a sleep remedy. Check out:

  • Avoid chemicals that disturb sleep, such as nicotine, caffeine and alcohol;
  • Eat lighter meals at night and at least two hours before bed;
  • Stay active but exercise early in the day;
  • Keep the room temperature cool;
  • Take a shower at the end of the day;
  • Keep your bedroom dark and cool, and try to use it only for sleeping;
  • Go to bed only if you are tired;
  • Get out of bed if you don't fall asleep within 20 minutes.

When to seek medical help

If your symptoms persist for more than a few weeks or worsen, seek medical help. Persistent insomnia can be the result of an underlying health problem, which includes:

  • Heartburn
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic pain
  • Thyroid disease
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • Kidney disease
  • neurological problems
  • Breathing problems
  • Hormonal changes associated with menopause

Medications can also interfere with sleep quality.

If left untreated, insomnia can increase the risk of:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Cardiac insufficiency
  • High pressure
  • substance abuse

Your doctor can help you get to the root cause and decide how best to treat the problem.

How is insomnia treated?

If the lifestyle changes aren't working, your doctor may suggest behavioral therapy.

Behavioral therapy can help you develop habits that improve the quality of your sleep. Your therapist will work with you over a few months to find out what thoughts and behaviors are negatively contributing to your sleep patterns.

A cognitive behavioral treatment plan may include:

  • sleep restriction
  • relaxation therapy
  • sleep hygiene education
  • sleep schedule
  • Stimulus control

This usually has better long-term results than just a sleeping pill.

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