Magnetism can be a solution against oil spills in rivers and seas

Biopolymer and detergent can minimize the impacts of an oil spill

The oil spill is one of the most serious environmental problems. Impacts on marine life and the ecosystem are large and difficult to minimize. Current repair methods consist of suction, absorption, bioremediation, in which microorganisms are used to digest the oil, or controlled burning of the oil slick. These techniques are neither practical nor completely efficient and often leave traces of oil in the sea.

Thinking to facilitate the process, researchers at the University of Bristol, England, developed a magnetic detergent capable of facilitating the removal of oil from sea water. Scientists have added iron ions to the detergent's formula, which, when in contact with a water and oil mixture, breaks the interaction between the two, something that any household degreaser does and, in addition, binds the iron ions to the oil. In this way, oil acquires sensitivity to a magnetic field and can be removed from water through magnetic induction. A relatively simple and quick method of action to repair environmental disasters of this nature.


Pre-salt oil is already a reality and any accident in such deep offshore wells can cause an even more serious environmental impact. Therefore, researches in Brazilian universities try to develop methods to minimize the consequences of a possible leakage.

At the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), a group of students and professors developed a magnetic biopolymer, which has properties very similar to those of magnetic soap. The way to use it is the same: just throw it on the oil stain and the mixture becomes sensitive to a magnetic field. The positive addition is that Brazilian technology is cheap and sustainable. The basis for the production of the biopolymer is Cashew Nut Liquid (LCC) and castor oil, two natural raw materials, renewable and present in large quantities in the country.

Below, follow the video of the oil being removed by a magnet, in a demonstration at UFRJ:

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