What is floral water?

Understand how it is obtained and what are the benefits of floral water, also known as hydrolate

floral water

Edited and resized image by Kelly Sikkema is available on Unsplash

Floral water, also called hydrolate, is a therapeutic product whose composition contains aromatic substances used both by the cosmetic industry and by aromatherapists.

Floral water has a slightly acidic pH, in the range of 5 to 6, making the medium unsuitable for the development of bacteria, and should always be kept in a glass container and in a well-ventilated place to preserve its therapeutic properties.


floral water

Edited and resized image of Annie Spratt, is available on Unsplash

Floral water is a by-product obtained from the distillation process in the extraction of essential oils. This process consists of submitting the plant material (which can be beyond the flowers, the leaves, seeds and roots) to the action of water vapor at the moment the essential oil is extracted.

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In distillation, the water vapor passes through the biomass tissues, carrying, by means of drag, the oil present inside the glands to the condenser, as shown in the diagram below. But it is not only the essential oil that is carried away by the water vapor, other volatile aromatic and bioactive elements from the plant are also present.
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The steam and essential oil are cooled in the condenser until they become liquid, as are the bioactive elements. However, they bind to condensed water and not to the essential oil, and it is this mixture of water and active elements that form the floral water.

The next step after the condenser is the separation of floral water and oil, which is carried out in a decanter. Substances are separated through the difference in density and polarity between them.

After separation, the floral water is extracted in its pure state, keeping the same volatile components of the vegetable parts that gave rise to the hydrolate. The fragrance is very similar to that of the essential oil, but a little weaker. It is noteworthy that floral water does not always have the same characteristics as essential oils.


floral water

Edited and resized image by Eva Waardenburg is available on Unsplash

Because it contains components extracted directly from vegetables, floral water has moisturizing, toning and refreshing properties. It can be used for body or face care, in beauty and aesthetic masks, aromatic baths, footbaths and also serve as room aromatizers.

Because it is mild, it can be used in children, the elderly, young people and people with poor health. Direct application can be for skin cleansing, use as a facial tonic, hair and hand hydration, to refresh the environment and for aromatherapy (in cases of asthma and bronchitis). Sensitive skin, with burns, wounds, eczema, rashes or pain can also receive the positive effects of floral waters.
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There are several types of floral water, each with its specific characteristic. Some of its benefits are:
  • Moisturizing and toning facial: lavender, geranium;
  • Acne and oily skins: rosemary, lavender, geranium;
  • Sensitive and dry skin: lavender, geranium;
  • Refresh the body: lavender;
  • Relaxing body and mind: lavender, geranium;
  • Invigorate body and mind: rosemary, lavender.
  • Nursery Aromatizer: Lavender;
  • Kitchen flavoring: mint and rosemary;
  • Car flavor: rosemary and geranium;
  • Scratches and insect bites: lavender, geranium and citronella;
  • Perfume clothes: all;
  • Floral aroma: lavender, rosemary and geranium;
  • Pure environment: rosemary, lavender and geranium;
  • Energizer: rosemary.
There are many other types of floral water besides those mentioned. It does not contain alcohol or harmful chemicals, they are products extracted directly from the vegetable. So, before using them, make sure they are 100% natural. You can find natural floral water at eCycle store. See all types and choose the hydrolate that you like best!

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