Cold Sore Medicine: Learn about ten homemade options

It is possible to cure cold sore and alleviate discomfort using only natural and home remedies

Home remedy for cold sore

Calum Lewis image on Unsplash

Canker sore, also called aphthous stomatitis, is characterized by the formation of small ulcers in the mouth or throat. In healthy individuals they are benign and non-contagious. Cold sore is a common problem and affects about 20% of the population, usually lasting seven to ten days.

The reasons for the appearance of thrush can be: stress, nutritional deficiency, hormonal insufficiency, allergies, among others. If thrush is frequent, they can indicate other problems in the body, so it is recommended to seek medical advice.

To alleviate the discomfort and treat cold sore without resorting to the potentially harmful chemicals in common pharmacy remedies, we've made a list of ten cold sore home remedies

A home remedy may not cure cold sore right away, but it makes an effective treatment and prevents your body from being contaminated with other substances present in traditional remedies. Tea tree, for example, is a powerful healing, antiseptic and analgesic. Honey is antibacterial, as is cloves, which also helps with healing.

Ten Home Sore Remedy Options


Honey is a cold sore remedy

Danika Perkinson image on Unsplash

Bee honey acts as a home remedy for cold sore as it is a great antiseptic, moisturizing the mouth and relieving discomfort. Just apply a small amount directly on the sore and repeat the application a few times a day - whenever you feel it is necessary or there is discomfort.

  • Discover the benefits of honey


Using cloves as a home remedy for cold sore is simple. Just suck on a dried clove throughout the day, as this fights germs and helps with the healing of canker sores.


Salt is a cold sore remedy

Philipp Kleindienst image on Pixabay

Salt is a great antiseptic for treating cold sore. To use it as a home remedy, mix a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of warm water and use it to rinse your mouth, especially on the area affected by the cold sore, then spit out the water. Repeat this procedure three times a day to aid healing.

Propolis extract

Cold Sore Medicine

Edited and resized image of Annie Spratt, is available on Unsplash

Propolis extract has a healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, that is, it is an excellent home remedy to treat cold sore. To use it, just apply one or two drops to the wound four to five times a day.

  • Knowing propolis: understand how production occurs and its importance for bees


Cold Sore Medicine

Image: Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

It may sound silly, but ice also acts as a home remedy for cold sore. Ice helps to reduce inflammation and relieve pain, in addition to healing the cold sore. You can put ice cubes three times a day on the cold sore.

Licorice drops

Cold Sore Medicine

GOKALP ISCAN image from Pixabay

Licorice extract has anti-inflammatory and healing properties and can work as a cold sore remedy. To use it, you should drop three or four drops of the extract directly onto the cold sore, or add 10 to 30 drops in warm water and rinse for a few seconds. Repeat the procedure two to three times a day. Licorice is also used as a natural menopause remedy.

Sodium bicarbonate

Cold Sore Medicine

Edited and resized "Close-up Of Baking Soda" image of Spoon is available from aqua.mech and licensed under CC BY 2.0

Sodium bicarbonate is a natural antiseptic that has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory actions. To use it as a cold sore remedy, just dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and use it to make mouthwash. Do not use alkaline salt directly on the wound!

Read more about this in the articles: "Bicarbonate works as a home remedy for cold sore" and "Utilities of baking soda for health".

Yogurt, natural or with bifidus

Cold Sore Medicine

Tiard Schulz image on Unsplash

Taking a serving of yogurt with the probiotic bifidus helps to improve the intestines, strengthening the body's natural defenses. The food also serves as a home remedy for canker sores due to its indirect action: it reduces the acidity of the stomach and mouth, which are responsible for the appearance of canker sores.

  • What are probiotic foods?

black tea bag

Cold Sore Medicine

Nathan Dumlao image on Unsplash

Applying a black tea bag to the cold sore helps relieve pain and discomfort, as the tea contains a substance called tannin, an astringent that eliminates residue. To use the sachet as a cold sore remedy, just make a cup of tea normally, wait for it to get warm and apply the sachet directly on the cold sore - the liquid tea you can drink!

  • Reuse tea bags and be more sustainable in everyday life

Tea tree essential oil

Cold Sore Medicine

Kelly Sikkema image available on Unsplash

Tea tree essential oil can be applied in two different ways: by rinsing half a glass of water with three or four drops of the oil or by directly applying the essential oil on the sore site, with a cotton swab and two drops of the essential oil . Tea tree has healing, antiseptic and analgesic properties.

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