Easy Vegan Cheese Bread Recipe

Discover how to make a vegan cheese bread recipe with the taste and texture of traditional cheese bread

cheese bread

Vinicius Marchi image by Pixabay

The vegan cheese bread, despite being controversial for having "cheese" in its name and having absolutely no animal milk derivative, is an easy recipe that surprises for its taste and appearance very similar to the traditional cheese bread. In addition, it is a democratic option, as those who do not like to call this bread recipe "cheese" have the option of calling it "kiss bread".

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This simple recipe gives rise to a classic cheese bread that is dry on the outside and creamy on the inside, with that traditional cheese bread with cheese toffee. And for the joy of celiacs or people with sensitivity, it does not contain gluten.

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cheese bread

Edited and resized image of Stella Legnaioli available in Vegetable Diary

How to make vegan cheese bread


  • 1 and 1/2 cup white sweet potato of the boiled purple rind type
  • 1 cup of sweet powder
  • 1 cup of sour sprinkles
  • 1/4 cup of sunflower oil
  • 1 level tablespoon of salt (or to taste)

Method of preparation

Wash the potato thoroughly and cook it in a pressure cooker with water. Peel off the skin and put it in the juicer until you get the amount of one and a half cups of cooked sweet potato. If possible, take the husks to compost.

Then, mix all the other ingredients by hand until you get a homogeneous mass that you can make into balls. In an oiled pan, place one ball away from the other so they don't stick together when it grows. Bake over low heat until golden. Is ready!


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