How to make a garden at home or in an apartment

Check out some tips on how to make your first garden, whether vertical, in the apartment, or in larger spaces such as backyards

how to make a garden

Unsplash image by Ján Jakub Naništa

If you are unsure how to make a garden in your home, here are some tips! The first step is to analyze the available space: if it is small, it is possible to invest in a vertical garden. If there is little sun, species adaptable to low light are the solution. If you're the type who will forget to water your plants, consider raising succulents. With the right planning, it is possible to make a garden in houses, apartments, balconies... Wherever your imagination takes you!

Urban gardens are becoming increasingly popular in big cities. Taking refuge in a bit of greenery inside the house increases the quality of life of the residents and helps to purify the air in the indoor environment, in addition to being a leisure time. A garden in your home will bring more life and health benefits and can be built with little expense.

choosing the location

large spaces

Do you already have ample space in your house, but don't know how to build a garden? The ideal is to plant each species according to the incidence of sunlight in the available area in your home.

The east face is the most privileged, as it is where the sun rises and the temperature is milder. This side is ideal for plants that are more sensitive to the sun, such as foliage, for example.

The west face is where the sun sets. It's a warmer place as heat "builds up" in the ground during the day causing the water to evaporate faster. This is the ideal place for species that have leaves and roots that are more resistant to these conditions, such as shrubs, azaleas, hibiscus and cacti, among others. If you choose other species, they should be watered more often.

The north face is the most sunny in winter, so it is ideal for species that need heat, such as vegetables or plants that bloom all year round. Other typical winter plants, such as petunias, begonias and hydrangeas, also bloom in greater quantities if exposed to the north face.

The south face is the opposite of the north: it is the most shaded and coldest. There, it is necessary to check the temperature of the region where your house is located to find the best species. Generally, woody trees or shrubs are able to adapt more easily to these conditions.

Although we know where the sun rises and sets, as we are creating a garden in the city, the shading of buildings or other constructions often interferes with the solar incidence, so it is important to observe in which places in your house the sun more or less shines frequency. Analyze during a day where the sun hits and at what time. Not to forget, note the places where the morning sun, midday sun and afternoon sun shines.

How to make a vertical garden

Unsplash image of Anastasiia Tarasova

small spaces

Don't worry if you live in apartments or houses with little outside space, you can still have a garden at home. Creativity and care are enough for the plants to develop well. The architect and landscape designer Daniela Sedo has already developed several projects of this model. “It is so pleasant and enjoyable to be able to take care of the plants, see them develop and create new flowers or leaves, even when they are small. There are people who cannot have pets at home, and that is why they have plants”, he comments.

A suitable place, for example, is the balcony, as it usually has more light and drafts. In apartments without a balcony, any place that has natural light can already house a vase. In the same concepts of solar incidence presented above, see where the sun shines in the chosen location. You will have to adapt to the conditions of your apartment and not choose any species because the chances of your garden going wrong are great. Check out a selection of small houseplants that are easy to care for:

Vertical gardens or green walls are a good option for apartments, both indoors and outdoors. You can spend little and create PET bottle vases, buy shelves or shelves to support the vases. A good idea is to reuse pallets wooden.

If you live in a condominium with a common area, give the idea of ​​setting up a garden in these areas, so you will have more space and more possibilities, in addition to adding value to the property, learn more in the article "Tree planting and garden creation in condominiums ".

garden in apartment

Image of Artur Aleksanian in Unsplash

Choice of species

According to Daniela, the first step in choosing the ideal plant is to see the amount of sun available. “The places with a lot of sun are those where light shines almost all day long. Half shade is when there is between two and three hours of direct sunlight per day. Environments without light are those without direct sunlight, but with natural light”, he explains. Next, it is necessary to think about the size that the plant can reach according to the available space.

If your garden is indoors there is the possibility of investing in air purifying plants, find out more details in the article "Plants that can be grown at home and that work as air purifiers". Or even plant species that humidify, filter and oxygenate the environment.

If there are a lot of mosquitoes where you live, choose plants that act as natural repellents not only against mosquitoes, but for other insects as well, see more in the article "Six types of plants work as a natural insect repellent".

If there isn't a ray of sunshine where you live, don't worry either, there are species that adapt to such conditions, such as those mentioned in the article "Meet eleven plants that grow even in the shade".

To further enjoy your new garden you can create a pharmacy of natural remedies with just the right species, see what they are in the article "18 natural remedies to grow at home".

Another care is irrigation. Indoor plants need less water than outdoor plants as they are not in direct contact with the sun. In addition, they need to be cleaned: “with a damp cloth, with a little coconut soap, gently and without leaving any soap residues. It's an important precaution, since the wind and rain don't reach them”, concludes Daniela.

Visit Daniela Sedo's website for more information about the architect's work.

soil preparation

Preparing the potting substrate for your garden or the soil for no-till is a very important step that can also determine the success or failure of your garden. Vegetable soil with organic abudo is a good mixture for most plants, however there are those species that need a lighter and more sandy soil, such as succulents. The chemical composition of the soil by macronutrients NPK (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) and by micronutrients can be controlled after planting, with organic (natural) or mineral (chemical) fertilizers, in the ideal proportion so as not to harm plant growth. Phosphorus stimulates flowering; nitrogen, growth, and potassium, rooting.

Another potent fertilizer is coffee grounds, which are almost always thrown away. To learn more about the uses of coffee grounds in the garden, see the article "Coffee grounds: 13 incredible uses".

Another tip to save even more on garden maintenance is to compost: with this technique, most of the organic waste generated in your home will become organic fertilizer to be used in your garden. See more in the article "What is composting and how to make it".

Now that you have the tips on how to make a garden at home, just get your hands dirty. Bring greener to your home and your city. In addition to individual therapy, any garden (no matter how small) will benefit the entire community.

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