Learn to choose your insecticide

Product is toxic not just for insects

Insecticides are part of our life, but sometimes we don't take into account the risk we run from being exposed to such toxic substances.

To better understand the problems that these products offer, it is necessary to remember that insecticides are a type of pesticide, whose chemical compounds specifically affect insects, larvae and eggs, in order to kill, repel or control their quantity. Therefore, it is important to be informed to know which is the best insecticide for your situation and needs.

Types of pesticides

Pesticides, such as organochlorines and organophosphates, affect the nervous system of insects. Others affect the structure of your exoskeleton, weakening it. Neonicotinoids, on the other hand, paralyze and kill insects. Despite being mostly used in agriculture, these compounds can also be found in household insecticides.

For homes, the products most commonly found on the market are those that take pyrethroid, a synthetic compound similar to that found in chrysanthemums. They work similarly to organochlorines and organophosphates, affecting the central nervous system of insects. The great advantage of this insecticide is that it is less abrasive to the environment and human health. Furthermore, it decomposes in a day or two in the atmosphere, thanks to sunlight.


Exposure to household insecticides, such as those containing pyrethroids, can cause skin allergies, eye irritation, and nausea in adults. That's because, according to tests carried out on animals, the compound is toxic in amounts greater than 29 milligrams for every kilogram of an individual. There are also studies that link exposure to pesticides to increased risk of developing diabetes.

For children and animals, who are lighter, the risks of poisoning are much greater. Studies show that exposure of infants to household pesticides can delay infant neurodevelopment by up to 36 months.

This type of compound can still be extremely toxic to pets, especially cats, which lack an enzyme that helps the liver break down this type of toxic compound.

The wide use of insecticides in agriculture and in homes has also been related to the decrease in the number of pollinating bees in the environment.

Additionally, the recurrent use of insecticides makes insects more resistant. The animals most susceptible to the chemical compounds present in pesticides are eliminated, but the most resistant, which are not affected by the insecticide, reproduce, making it increasingly difficult to produce an effective compound to fight them.

For this reason, the Ministry of Health does not recommend the use of insecticides to combat the dengue mosquito. In a recent study, researchers attested to the increasing resistance of Aedes aegypti caused by the continued use of insecticides.

Take cover

First, remember to strictly follow the manufacturer's specifications when using any insecticide. The US National Pesticides Information Center (NPIC) gives some suggestions on the precautions that should be taken when applying insecticides:

  1. Do not apply the product in the presence of children, pregnant women, pets, or anyone else;
  2. Do not use more than necessary, so that the risk of contamination and poisoning is not greater;
  3. Remove toys, clothes, tools, cutlery, dishes and any other type of personal object from the area where the insecticide will be applied, so that nothing gets contaminated;
  4. After use, wash your hands before rubbing your face, eating or smoking.

If you prefer, use homemade recipes to produce natural insecticides, which can be made at home. For mosquitoes, a good solution is candles and citronella oils, which are natural repellents. Visit our recipe for how to get rid of ants without using chemicals. Also learn about ways to avoid pesticide residues in your food. You can even create your own herb garden, saving on pesticides and fertilizers.

Remember that insecticides come in aerosol cans and that it also causes a lot of problems. To learn more about the subject, about where and how to dispose of it and about the risks of this type of product, read our special article on the subject.

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