The real value of trees

Why are they so important in improving the quality of life?

The real value of trees

That trees help keep the air clean, everyone already knows. But how they do it is another story. Here, we will talk about all the benefits provided by trees.

To begin with, an adult tree can absorb, in a year, approximately 22 kilos of carbon dioxide, and produce enough oxygen for two adults to breathe. This process takes place through photosynthesis. The process takes place when the plant obtains glucose during the day; and also through respiration, when the plant “breaks down” the glucose for energy, during the night. During photosynthesis, plants and algae do the reverse process of humans, consuming carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. However, plants breathe day and night, also consuming the oxygen they produce. Therefore, the planet's main source of oxygen is algae, which are not classified as plants or trees.

According to Vincent Cotrone of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, trees have the capacity to absorb between 55 and 109 kilograms of polluting gases such as sulfur dioxide, which come from burning coal; nitrous oxides from car and truck exhausts; and polluting particles coming mainly from diesel. Urban wooded areas have 60% less pollution particles, according to the same agency.


In an article published in the Journal of Arboriculture, Klaus Scott, James Simpson and Gregory McPherson state that the temperature of cities is also influenced by the amount of trees. According to the authors, the shade of trees can reduce the temperature of the asphalt by up to 2°C, and of the interior of cars by up to 8°C. They also cool the environment – ​​a big, healthy tree has the same effect as ten air conditioners running 20 hours a day.

Only one tree can absorb more than three thousand liters of rainwater, reducing the contamination of groundwater and water sources by 7%, and reducing the expense of taxes on water treatment, according to the US Department of Agriculture. Finally, trees reduce noise pollution and wooded areas add value and increase property occupancy.

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