Benefits of delicious kiwi fruit

Rich in vitamin C, kiwi fruit is good for intestinal health, helps prevent cardiovascular disease and more


The earliest extant records of kiwi fruit date from 800 to 1200 BC; in them, the fruit is mentioned in Chinese poems and chants. Scientifically known as delicious actinidia (yes, "delicious" is part of the scientific name of the kiwi), it is an indigenous fruit with origins in Southeast Asia.

There are several types of kiwi fruit, including some cultivated for ornamental purposes only. What has become best known is the edible. The kiwi's fame spread around the world during the 20th century, when the fruit was introduced in New Zealand and started to be produced in America and Europe as well.

In addition to being delicious (as the name implies), kiwi fruit brings a series of benefits to human health, as it is a source of fiber, minerals and vitamins.

Kiwi Benefits

Kiwi benefits

Edited and resized image by Kabir Kotwal is available on Unsplash


If we were to compare kiwis to oranges and apples, kiwis would gain in terms of fiber content, as they contain about 3 g for every 100 g of fruit against 1.5 g for every 100 g of apples.

The fibers present in kiwi fruit help in the laxative effect, since they do not degrade with the metabolic process of bacteria and absorb water, making the feces less solid and easier to be eliminated by the digestive system.

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In addition, fiber, in general, helps to prevent obesity, as it has a large volume and few calories - this increases chewing time and allows the feeling of satiety, preventing, in turn, binge eating.

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Fibers also bring benefits for the control of cholesterol and blood glucose, which prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system.

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Minerals and Vitamins

Kiwi fruit is a source of copper (8%), magnesium (6%), iron (4%), calcium (5%) and potassium (percentage based on the recommended daily allowance, per 100 g of fruit), minerals that help balance the body's fluids.

Fruit is a source of manganese, an important mineral involved in the utilization of proteins. And despite the fact that oranges are famous, the kiwi is rich in vitamin C, which has almost double its amount of vitamin C.

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Vitamin C helps neutralize free radicals, improving immunity. Without this neutralization, the human body can develop cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, arteriosclerosis, asthma, flu, diabetes, among others.

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But the benefits of kiwi fruit don't stop there, it's still rich in vitamins A and E, which, along with vitamin C, act as antioxidants.

Kiwi fruit is also rich in folic acid, which acts in the formation of red blood cells (preventing anemia) and DNA tissues, reducing the levels of a toxin called "hemocysteine", which helps prevent cardiovascular disease.

It's even great for preventing vision loss - which is mainly due to macular degeneration (which can be caused by overexposure to blue light) occurring. One study found that by eating three servings of fruit a day, macular degeneration was reduced by 36%. The high levels of zeaxanthin and lutein in kiwi fruit are believed to contribute to this protective effect.

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Edited and resized image by Brenda Godinez is available on Unsplash

To enjoy the benefits of kiwi fruit, it is possible to eat the fruit in nature, make a kiwi juice or even use it in the preparation of pie recipes or even kiwi mousse.

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kiwi juice

Discover a recipe for kiwi juice with cabbage and coconut water, a detox green juice.

kiwi ice cream

Check out two simple kiwi ice cream recipes in the video.

Enjoy the fruit to the fullest

Remember: the fresher it is, the longer the kiwi fruit will retain its properties. The ideal is to peel it only when consuming. It is also possible to eat the kiwi in its whole form, that is, to use the skin as well. This is a way to preserve as much of your fiber as possible. But remember to give preference to the consumption of organic kiwi fruit (this way you avoid the risk of contaminating yourself with pesticides). If you don't want to, you don't need to eat the skin with the kiwi fruit in nature, but you can use it to prepare tea recipes or kiwi juice.

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