Moisturizer: learn about 11 natural options

Moisturizing effect of creams and other cosmetics can be achieved with natural substances


Edited and resized image from Hemptouch CBD, available on Unsplash

Many people like the effect that moisturizing creams and other cosmetics have on their skin or hair. The big problem is that these products are made from a mixture of chemical substances, many of them harmful to health, in addition to the issue of animal testing. There are already several options for moisturizers and other vegan and/or cosmetics made with less aggressive ingredients, but they are not always affordable. The good news is that there are several natural options for replacing your moisturizer.

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natural moisturizer

Many natural items have moisturizing action for the skin and hair. This is the case with coconut oil, which is extremely versatile, but you can also use grape seed oil, almond oil, avocado and even coffee, among others.

Get to know some ingredients with moisturizing properties and help protect your skin from the action of harmful chemicals:

1. Coconut oil

The hydrating power of this oil is such that it helps to form a kind of lubricating film that protects the hair. A study published by Society Cosmetic Chemists showed that coconut oil helps prevent damage caused by combing and treat damaged hair chemically (whitening) or thermally (hot shower water, heat from flat irons, dryers, etc.). According to the study, this natural moisturizer prevents the loss of protein and water from the hair.

It is also a great skin moisturizer, according to a study published by the platform PubMed, which has been shown to be just as safe and effective to use coconut oil on the skin as mineral oils. It improves dryness, itching, flaking, roughness and cracking of the skin. This oil also acts as a lip moisturizer and can be mixed with bactericidal essential oils (such as tea tree essential oil) to deodorize and at the same time moisturize the armpits.

2. Banana

Banana is moisturizing

Edited and resized image by Elena Koycheva is available on Unsplash

Rich in nutrients like potassium, it can also be used as a natural skin moisturizer. You can use a very ripe banana as a base for a sugar scrub or moisturizing mask. Simply mash a banana with three tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of olive oil and a few drops of vanilla essence. Enter the bath and, before turning on the water, massage the mixture all over your body. If your skin is not very sensitive, it is possible to use a part of the mixture as a moisturizer for the face, avoiding the eyes region - another option is to make different preparations for the body and face, varying the texture according to the sugar.

3. Sweet almond oil

moisturizing oil

Edited and resized image of Anshu A, is available on Unsplash

It is one of the most used natural products in the cosmetic industry and can be used directly as a moisturizer, as it is composed of nutrients such as vitamins E, B and A, folic acid and arginine. This oil can be used as a moisturizer for the skin, both on the face and on the body, especially on drier areas such as knees, elbows and feet. Its humectant and emollient properties help to retain water in the skin, keeping it hydrated.

4. Avocado

Avocado is a great moisturizer

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This fruit has many nutrients that give it moisturizing action, such as potassium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B9 (also called folic acid), C and E. Its fatty acids have the ability to keep the skin hydrated and reduce the redness and irritation.

Therefore, in addition to being used by the cosmetics industry, you can apply avocado directly to the skin, in a moisturizing mask or mixed with other ingredients with a moisturizing action, such as natural yogurt. It also works for hair hydration, helping to repair damaged strands, giving shine and softness. Check out an avocado shampoo and conditioner recipe for dry hair.

5. Grape seed oil

This oil works as a moisturizer for the body because of its humectant and emollient properties, which help to retain water in the skin. It can be mixed with other creams, soaps and cosmetics, or used as a pure oil. This natural moisturizer helps prevent stretch marks and cellulite, due to the high concentration of tocopherol, which helps in tissue elasticity, restoring collagen and improving peripheral circulation.

This collagen restoring property is also very effective in preventing wrinkles when used on the skin. It is also widely used for skin that tends to have acne and excessive oil production; helps in minimizing acne scars and does not clog pores. As it is a thin oil, it is quickly absorbed by the skin, without leaving it oily.

The oil is also a great moisturizer for the hair: it helps to treat dry ends, acts to prevent hair loss and prevents the strands from becoming brittle, in addition to standing out for its ability to help hair growth. As for the therapeutic capillary use, grape seed oil is very effective in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff), helping to remove the "skin flakes" from the scalp, keeping it hydrated. You can mix the oil into the shampoo or just massage your scalp with the pure oil.

6. Coffee

coffee moisturizer

Edited and resized image of Tyler Nix is ​​available on Unsplash

Applying coffee grounds to the face has a moisturizing effect and can help reduce the appearance of sun blemishes, redness and wrinkles. One study found a direct correlation between drinking coffee and a decrease in photoaging effects.

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Roasted coffee is a source of vitamin B3 (niacin), a substance that may be useful in preventing non-melanoma skin cancer and possibly preventing other skin cancers, according to a study by Skin Cancer Foundation.

7. Rosehip oil

Due to its therapeutic properties, rosehip oil can be used as a moisturizer for the face, body and hair. Its components are very powerful and efficient in the treatment of acne spots and spots caused by the sun, stretch marks and scars, helping to rebuild new cells.

Rosehip oil is also an excellent moisturizer for dry skin, restoring its natural texture and providing shine and elasticity to the face. The substance is also a great moisturizer for dry and damaged hair. This oil can be used pure or mixed with other vegetable oils, such as sweet almond oil, enhancing its moisturizing property.

8. Beeswax

Wax is moisturizing

Image: Matthew T Rader on Unsplash

Its emollient, softening, waterproofing, healing and beautifying, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make this product a great natural moisturizer. In the cosmetics area, the wax is used for the manufacture of makeup, whitening creams, facial masks and lipsticks, among others. It is a magnificent natural exfoliant (just like crystallized honey) and has a gentle moisturizing action on the skin, removing dead cells, cleaning pores and eliminating traces of pollution.

9. Shea Butter

Karite butter

Hopkinsuniv, Sheabutter-virginsheabutter, resized and treated by Rodrigo Bruno, CC BY-SA 3.0

Due to the large amount of omega 3 and omega 6 unsaturated fatty acids, which are very important in the body's functioning and in the maintenance of the skin, this butter has the property of retaining moisture and improving the skin's elasticity, providing greater hydration. It is also an emollient and can be used as a body moisturizer, as it softens and softens the skin, preventing dryness even in the most difficult areas, such as knees and elbows, providing a velvety touch.

It is a powerful cell regenerator as it contains a good amount of vitamins A and E, which work as natural antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. Butter soothes inflamed skin and can therefore be used after shaving with a razor or wax and for men it is also an excellent natural aftershave. In addition, it reduces scars, blemishes and smoothes wrinkles (anti-aging), minimizes acne blemishes, helps in the treatment of burns, wounds, scars and more.

This moisturizer can also be used on dry, weak or brittle hair, helping to revitalize it. Butter providing shine, flexibility and softness, in addition to protecting hair from solar radiation. The vitamin E present in shea has antioxidant action, removing dead cells and also working as a good moisturizer. Its humectant property helps in the absorption and retention of moisture, providing great hydration to the hair, as well as the skin.

10. Papaya papaya

Moisturizer with papaya

Couleur image by Pixabay<

This fruit is a great moisturizer because of the papain. This compound present in papaya is an enzyme that removes dead cells, renewing and smoothing the skin, leaving it soft and promoting its hydration in a natural way. Discover the health benefits of papaya.

11. Honey

Honey is moisturizing

Image by Arwin Neil Baichoo, is available on Unsplash

Honey can be used as a moisturizer for the skin and hair. It is also considered effective for treating wounds - in Norwegian research, a therapeutic honey called "medihoney", from New Zealand, has been shown to be effective in eliminating bacteria from affected areas.

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As for its use as a hair moisturizer, a study carried out with patients who have seborrheic dermatitis and chronic dandruff showed relief from the problems. The skin lesions were healed and the patients also improved with regard to hair loss. The product made by the bees is a great moisturizer, as it makes the skin soft, uniform and without blemishes.

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