Environmental services: what they are and why are they important

Anyone can be an environmental service provider. Get to know this activity and how important it is

Environmental services


Environmental services are defined as “individual or collective initiatives that can favor the maintenance, recovery or improvement of ecosystem services”, according to Bill 312/15. Therefore, anyone can be an environmental service provider as soon as there is a commitment to preserve an ecosystem service. The most common environmental service providers are companies, institutions and the government.

The environmental service must contemplate the preservation or restoration of goods or services so that it continues to benefit us - it can occur through reforestation, definition of protection areas, changes in agricultural practices, sustainable extraction, among others.

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The environment is capable of regenerating itself naturally, but this depends on the degree of degradation caused. An area that has suffered a natural fire can recover on its own, but for this to happen in an area used for intensive agriculture is much more difficult. And today, what most characterizes nature is anthropogenic degradation (caused by man), which depletes an area's resources, preventing natural regeneration.

That is why it is important to provide environmental services so that we can continue to enjoy natural capital in a sustainable way, favoring the development of the economy and the well-being of people. In all cases, if carried out correctly, environmental services provide gains for everyone involved, from service providers, those benefited by the services and also nature.

There is an economic tool to encourage the provision of these services: it is the Payment for Environmental Services (PES) which aims to encourage these practices to reduce current environmental degradation. When PES and environmental valuation policies are implemented, these practices will become more recurrent and will be included in economic decision-making.

  • What is Payment for Environmental Services (PES) and how does it work?

Where can environmental services be applied

Environmental services can be provided to maintain or restore ecosystem service categories, provision, regulation, cultural and support. They can be performed both in rural and urban areas and the effectiveness and performance of the service is linked to demand by the population. For example: on the issue of climate change there is worldwide pressure on this issue, therefore, there is a predisposition to provide environmental services in relation to forests that neutralize carbon emissions and help in climate control. Soil erosion control, on the other hand, is more felt at the local level, and is restricted to those directly affected such as residents.

An example of the urban environment is the recycling activity, carried out in many cities and which generates positive environmental externalities, reducing the use of natural resources and the pressure on ecosystem systems. Collectors are providers of an environmental service, together with cooperatives.

We can encourage environmental services by consuming specific products or services such as those with environmental certification. When we decide to pay for these products, we are also paying for a sustainably sourced and manufactured product, such as certified wood or organic products.

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