Chickpea Flour: Benefits and How to Make It

An excellent gluten-free alternative, chickpea flour is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals

chickpea flour

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Chickpea flour has been a staple ingredient in Indian cuisine for centuries. In addition to being tasty, it is nutritious and a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour. Check out eight benefits of chickpea flour and see how to do it:

1. Rich in vitamins and minerals

One cup (92 grams) of chickpea flour contains:

  • Calories: 356
  • Protein: 20 grams
  • Fat: 6 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 53 grams
  • Fiber: 10 grams
  • Thiamine: 30% of the Recommended Daily Intake (IDR)
  • Folate: 101% of the IDR
  • Iron: 25% of the IDR
  • Phosphorus: 29% of the IDR
  • Magnesium: 38% of the IDR
  • Copper: 42% of the IDR
  • Manganese: 74% of the IDR
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One cup (92 grams) of chickpea flour contains a little more folate than is needed in a day. This vitamin plays an important role in preventing spinal cord defects during pregnancy (see study about it here: 1).

In an observational study of more than 16,000 women, babies born to women who consumed flour fortified with folate and other vitamins had 68% fewer spinal cord defects than those born to participants who consumed plain flour.

Women who used fortified flour also had blood folate levels 26% higher than the control group (see study about it here: 2).

Chickpea flour naturally contains almost twice as much folate as the same amount of fortified wheat flour. In addition, it is an excellent source of many minerals, including iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and manganese.

2. Reduces the formation of harmful compounds in processed foods

Chickpeas contain beneficial antioxidants called polyphenols. Antioxidants are compounds that fight against unstable molecules called free radicals, responsible for causing chronic diseases such as cancer (see study about it here: 3).

  • Antioxidants: what are they and in what foods to find them

Polyphenols, specifically, have been shown to decrease free radicals in foods and reverse some of the damage they can do to the body (see study about 4).

Additionally, chickpea flour has been studied for its ability to reduce the acrylamide content of processed foods.

Acrylamide is an unstable by-product of food processing and can be found at high levels in potato and flour-based snacks (see study about it here: 5). It is a potentially cancer-causing substance and has been linked to problems with reproduction, nerve and muscle function, as well as enzyme and hormonal activity (see study about it here: 6).

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In a study that compared several types of flours, chickpea flour produced one of the smallest amounts of acrylamide when heated.

The researchers also found that using chickpea batter in french fries decreased acrylamide formation, compared to french fries that were treated with oregano and antioxidants. cranberry.

Another study showed that cookies made with a mixture of wheat flour and chickpeas had 86% less acrylamide than those made with wheat flour alone.

3. It has fewer calories than regular flour

Chickpea flour is a great alternative to wheat flour if your goal is to reduce your calorie intake.

Compared to the same serving of refined wheat flour, 1 cup (92 grams) of chickpea flour has about 25% less calories.

Researchers believe that maintaining portion sizes associated with lower-calorie foods is a more effective weight-loss strategy than simply eating less (see studies on this: 7, 8).

In a 12-week study of 44 overweight adults, participants who were instructed to eat more low-calorie foods lost 1.8 to 3.6 kg more than those who received more complex dietary instructions. This means that substituting chickpea flour for wheat flour can help cut calories without necessarily changing portion sizes.

4. Provides more satiety than wheat flour

A review of studies showed that including legumes in the diet increased satiety after a meal by 31%. Furthermore, the chickpea flour itself can reduce hunger. Although not all studies are in agreement, some have shown a relationship between eating chickpea flour and increased satiety (see studies about it here: 9, 10, 11, 12).

One of the ways in which chickpea flour can reduce hunger is through regulation of the hormone ghrelin, known as the "hunger hormone".

In an observational study of 16 women, those who ate sweets made with 70% white flour and 30% chickpea flour had lower levels of ghrelin than participants who ate 100% white flour.

5. Less affect blood sugar than wheat flour

Chickpea flour has about half the carbohydrates of white flour and therefore can affect blood sugar differently.

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how quickly a food breaks down into sugars that can raise blood sugar.

  • What is the Glycemic Index?

Glucose, the sugar the body prefers to use for energy, has a GI of 100, which means it raises blood sugar faster. White flour has a GI of about 70.

Chickpeas, meanwhile, have a GI of 6, and snacks made from chickpea flour have an ID of 28-35. They are low GI foods that would have a more gradual effect on blood sugar than white flour (see studies on this here: 13, 14).

Two observational studies of 23 people found that eating foods made with chickpea flour kept blood sugar levels lower than eating foods made with whole wheat or white flour (see studies here: 15, 16 ).

A similar study of 12 healthy women found that whole wheat bread made with 25-35% chickpea flour affected significantly less blood sugar than white bread and bread made with 100% chickpea flour. wholemeal flour.

6. It is rich in fiber

One cup (92 grams) of chickpea flour provides about 10 grams of fiber - triple the amount of fiber in the same serving of white flour.

  • What is dietary fiber and its benefits?

Fiber offers numerous health benefits, and chickpea fiber in particular has been linked to better blood fat levels.

In a 12-week study of 45 adults, consuming four cans of chickpeas a week without making other dietary changes reduced total cholesterol levels by 15.8 mg/dl. The effect was attributed to the fiber content of the chickpea.

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A similar study of 47 adults found that eating chickpeas for five weeks reduced total cholesterol by 3.9% and LDL (bad) cholesterol by 4.6%, compared to eating wheat.

Chickpeas also contain a type of fiber called resistant starch. A study that looked at the resistant starch content of various foods showed that roasted chickpeas were among the top two alongside unripe bananas.

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Research shows that chickpeas can be made up of up to 30% resistant starch depending on how they are processed. One analysis found that chickpea flour made from pre-cooked chickpeas contained 4.4% resistant starch.

Resistant starch remains undigested until it reaches the large intestine, where it serves as a food source for healthy intestinal bacteria, also called probiotics (learn more about them in the article: "What are probiotic foods?"). Resistant starch has been linked to a reduced risk of several conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes and colon cancer (see studies on this here: 17, 18).

7. It has more protein than other flours

Chickpea flour has more protein than white and wholemeal flour. A one-cup serving (92 grams) of chickpea flour provides 20 grams of protein, compared to 13 grams of white flour and 16 grams of whole wheat flour.

The body needs protein to build muscle and recover from injury and illness. In addition, the protein present in food provides satiety and makes the body burn more calories to digest it.

  • Ten high protein foods

Chickpea is an excellent source of protein for vegetarians and vegans, as it contains 8 of the 9 essential amino acids, the structural components of proteins that must come from the diet (see study about it here: 19).

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8. Excellent substitute for wheat flour

Chickpea flour has a better nutrient profile than refined flour as it provides more vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein, but less calories and carbohydrates.

  • Vitamins: types, needs and times of intake

Because it does not contain wheat, it is also suitable for people with celiac disease, gluten intolerance, non-celiac sensitivity or wheat allergy. Still, if you're concerned about cross-contamination, look for certified gluten-free varieties.

  • What is gluten? Bad guy or good guy?
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Furthermore, it behaves similarly to refined flour in fried and baked foods. It is a dense flour that somewhat mimics the action of gluten in wheat flour when cooked, adding structure and chewiness.

In an attempt to formulate a new gluten-free bread, researchers found that a combination of three parts chickpea flour and one part potato or cassava starch was ideal. Still, using only chickpea flour the result was also acceptable.

In addition, substituting just 30% of the wheat flour in a cookie recipe with chickpea flour increased the nutrient and protein content of the cookies while maintaining a pleasing taste and appearance.

How to make chickpea flour


  • Chickpea ;
  • Baking tray;
  • Food processor
  • Sieve.

How to prepare

If you want roasted chickpea flour, place the dried chickpeas on a baking sheet in the oven for about ten minutes at 175 °C, or until golden. This step is optional. Grind the chickpeas in a food processor to a fine powder. Sift the flour to separate the large unground chickpea seeds and place them back in the food processor.

Store your chickpea flour at room temperature in an airtight container. That way it will last for about six to eight weeks. However, this method skips the chickpea soaking step, keeping your antinutrients. To reduce the amount of antinutrients, soak the chickpeas for at least eight hours. During this time, change the water in the sauce four times. After time, drain the water and, if desired, remove the skin around the grain. Spread the beans on a baking sheet and leave in the oven until golden. Remove from oven, let cool and beat in processor. Sift until it is a fine flour and put it back in the oven for ten minutes. This second method makes the flour last about seven days in the refrigerator and three days at room temperature.

Use your chickpea flour:

  • as a substitute for wheat flour in baking
  • combining with wheat flour to improve the nutritional profile of foods
  • as a natural thickener in soups and curries
  • make traditional Indian dishes like pakora (vegetable dumplings) or laddu (small dessert cookies)
  • make pancakes or crepes
  • for breaded
  • to make grits (vegan omelettes)

Adapted from Savanna Shoemaker - Healthline

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