What not to eat to lose weight?

Knowing what not to eat to lose weight is the first step to a successful diet

what not to eat to lose weight

If you're trying to live a healthier life, there are some tips that can help you get started. Knowing what not to eat to lose weight is the first step to a successful diet. But nothing will help if you also don't change your diet judiciously, even because some industrialized items that seem healthy, in fact, aren't. Check out the article "Fake Promise: Know seven foods that look healthy, but aren't". The relationship of food to diet is wide, even more so if you focus on food re-education.

In addition to the false promises of the food industry, there are other foods that should be avoided by those who want to lose weight and have a healthier diet. Take a look at the list below of what not to eat to lose weight. Also check out the video above, produced exclusively for the eCycle portal on Youtube.

White bread

what not to eat to lose weight

Edited and resized image by Sergio Arze is available on Unsplash

It is a very common and economical food, but its nutritional value is low. For this reason it is on the list of what not to eat to lose weight. White bread contains large amounts of sugar and has no ability to keep people satisfied - this is because it quickly raises the glycemic index (GI) of the blood; but the GI tends to drop at the same speed and, when it does, we feel hungry. Even wheat breads can contain more sugar than grain breads.

  • What is the Glycemic Index?
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White bread is also high in gluten, which can be harmful not only to those who are sensitive to the substance. As an alternative to a healthy diet, you can replace your white bread with whole grains or whole grain bread when possible.

Fried food

Most people are aware that fried foods are unhealthy and should be avoided whenever possible. The problem is to associate fried foods only with restaurants fast food. Eating that potato chip almost every day isn't really recommended, even if you've fried it at home. Avoid frying as much as possible and consider roasting or grilling food as an alternative. Fried foods are not nutritious - they are usually high in fat and salt - and can increase blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which facilitates the onset of heart disease and two types of diabetes, for example. Not to mention that they lead to the accumulation of abdominal fat.

what not to eat to lose weight

Edited and resized image from freestocks.org, available on Unsplash

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"Frying leaves the food consumed with an inflammatory characteristic that can stimulate the accumulation of abdominal fat and also lead to insulin resistance, which can trigger tiredness, malaise, headaches and lack of energy", says Dr. Anna Bordini , in an interview with ZH Welfare. That is, they are definitely on the list of what not to eat to lose weight.

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Cream-based salad dressings

what not to eat to lose weight

Edited and resized image by Jonathan Borba is available on Unsplash

Salads are a good alternative for those who want to go on a diet or are trying to eat healthy. They are very nutritious and generally low in calories. However, covering them with a sauce made with cream is not a good idea. That's because these types of sauces contain a lot of fat and calories. To give you an idea, there may be more calories in the dressing than in the whole salad! Instead, try eating salads with a vegetable oil-based dressing, such as olive oil, which is not only tastier, but also less caloric and healthier.

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White rice

what not to eat to lose weight

Edited and resized image of Pille-Riin Priske, available on Unsplash

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Rice is fundamental in the lives of many Brazilians, especially mixed with beans... But it can make your body store energy when you don't need it, and this is for the same reasons as white bread: it has low nutritional value and high GI ( check the study about it here), which reduces the feeling of satiety. Brown rice is an alternative, as it has germ and husks (taken from white rice)... This makes the whole grain version a good food option for diet, as it has good amounts of important nutrients, such as fiber, manganese, magnesium , selenium and folate. It also provides a more extended sense of satisfaction. This way you are less likely to overeat. Even so, brown rice also has a high glycemic index (see study about it here).

high fructose corn syrup

High fructose corn syrup makes you more craving sugar or sugary foods and gain weight faster. Eating this type of food (usually processed açaí, sauces and processed foods), rich in corn syrup, can lead to diabetes and other health problems - studies show that it has similar effects to sugar. The best option is to avoid processed foods and replace them with healthier desserts such as fresh fruit. If you can't resist, use natural sweeteners, coconut sugar or brown sugar.

  • Corn and fructose syrup: tasty but careful
what not to eat to lose weight

Edited and resized image by nabil boukala, is available on Unsplash

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