Pumpkin seed oil has unmissable benefits

Coming from seeds, oil is rich in cucurbitacin, fatty acids and antioxidants

Pumpkin Seed Oil

The pumpkin, also known as pumpkin or pumpkin, belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae, which comprises several species of creeping stem, such as melon, watermelon, zucchini and cucumber. Widely consumed all over the world, pumpkin originates from the south of the United States and Mexico. In Brazil, pumpkin is cultivated in all regions, but mainly in the northeast. Pumpkin seed has bioactive principles that bring several health benefits and it is from them that pumpkin seed oil is extracted (as the name already warns) - to learn more, see the article: "Seven benefits of pumpkin seed for the health".

Pumpkin seed oil can be extracted by solvents or cold pressing, the latter being the most advantageous method, as solvent extraction, as well as any thermal processing, can result in changes in composition and physicochemical properties.

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Pumpkin Seed Oil Benefits

Have you ever imagined being able to treat various health problems just consuming a vegetable oil? Well, vegetable oils are still poorly investigated, which means that their benefits are not publicized. What stands out most in pumpkin seed oil is the prevention of prostate problems - therefore, very suitable for men over 50 years old.

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Cucurbitacins, a group of compounds that gives name to the biological classification of pumpkin, in addition to helping with anthelmintic properties (especially against tapeworms), act as an anti-inflammatory, with a direct effect on prostate diseases and the urinary system. They help to treat overactive bladder, urinary incontinence and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Along with the fatty acids present, they inhibit the formation of cancer cells, preventing various types of cancer, such as prostate, stomach, breast, lung, among others.

The monounsaturated fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 9) present in pumpkin seed oil also help to treat prostate and gallbladder diseases, in addition to being important for people with cardiovascular problems.

Another group of compounds found in pumpkin seed oil are the carotenoids, pigments found in fruits and vegetables with colors ranging from yellow to red. With a fundamental role in human health, carotenoids act as antioxidants, regulators of the immune system and prevent some types of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Among its compounds, we find xanthophylls and carotenes (such as β-carotene, already known to help maintain a tan), which are transformed into vitamin A in the body.

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Vitamin A is essential for eye health: it prevents vision problems and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most blinding genetic disease. In addition, vitamin A also acts in the development and maintenance of the epithelial tissue, conservation of the tooth and its enamel, in the maintenance of good hair condition, in the reproductive organs and in the growth and development of bones.

Other components of pumpkin seed oil are:

  • Zinc: present in good concentrations, prevents osteoporosis, delaying the deterioration of bone mineral density. It also helps the immune system, increasing immunity and disposition.
  • Tryptophan: the amino acid has calming and antidepressant effects, in addition to stimulating the production of serotonin, promoting a good night's sleep for those who eat it.
  • Potassium: helps prevent and treat hypertension.
  • Phytosterols: reduce cholesterol and triglyceride index.
  • Magnesium: contributes to the proper functioning of the brain, in the production of energy for the body and in the strengthening of bones, also being able to prevent diseases such as diabetes and some infections.

Cosmetic Uses of Pumpkin Seed Oil

Pumpkin seed oil contains antioxidants that act against free radicals, preventing premature aging of cells, the formation of wrinkles and blemishes on the skin, promoting hydration and smoothness. Vitamins A, C and E also help in cleaning the skin.

Vitamin E and β-carotene, both present in the oil, increase the resistance of the hair strands, moisturizing them and preventing hair loss.

Pumpkin seed oil is also a natural inhibitor of DHT, a hormone that weakens hair follicles and is known to cause baldness.

Other uses and applications

The benefits of pumpkin seed oil don't stop there! In addition to having cosmetic and pharmaceutical use, pumpkin seed oil can be used in food. In Austria, for example, it is used to season salads as a substitute for oil. However, according to the study Nutrients and functional properties in pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita maxima) subjected to different processing, it is unsuitable for frying food.

Pumpkin seed oil can also be used directly on the hair and skin or consumed orally. Remember to consult a doctor for proper doses.

Make sure the oil is 100% natural, so that it does not contain substances harmful to the body and that no other component has altered its original composition. As it is a low-calorie oil, there are no contraindications.

For correct disposal, be sure to place waste in plastic containers and take it to a suitable location. Improper disposal of vegetable oils influences water and soil contamination, in addition to clogging drains and pipes. Find Collection Points closest to you in the free search engines of eCycle portal.

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