How to ward off mosquitoes? Orange peel is a natural and homemade repellent

Creative technique is a sustainable option for homemade and natural repellent to ward off mosquitoes

Scare away mosquitoes and flavor the environment with orange peel

It is possible to scare away mosquitoes in a healthy and sustainable way, and still aromatize the environment at the same time. If you still have one of those old insect repellent gadgets at home that used plugged-in poison tablets, there's a trick on how to ward off mosquitoes and still scent your house at the same time!

You can go back to using your old repellent to create a homemade, natural repellent using just one ingredient: orange peel. It's not exactly a upcycle , as you will be using the device with the same function for which it was designed, but this is a way to avoid early disposal of a functional product - but one that has fallen victim to function obsolescence.

The trick to warding off mosquitoes is simple. Just place a piece of orange peel in the place intended for the old conventional tablet - it is also possible to replace the orange with any other citrus fruit.

If you still have old tablets in storage, use one of them as a mold to ensure the same dimensions and a proper fit. And be careful to dispose of it properly, as this type of product cannot be thrown into the conventional trash. Read more in the article: "Disposal of expired medications: how and where to dispose of them correctly" and consult the collection points closest to you in the search here on eCycle portal .

Amazingly, in addition to driving away most unwanted insects, the environment will be perfumed with a delicious citrus aroma and you will be sure not to come into contact with artificial chemicals, which can be toxic and harmful to health.

Other options for how to end up like mosquitoes are to make your own homemade repellent or a citronella candle to ward off mosquitoes. You can also install a mosquito screen on your windows. Learn more about how to kill mosquitoes in a natural way.

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