How to make dog toothpaste

Save money and take care of your dog's oral hygiene by making his toothpaste at home

dog toothpaste

Image: Chris Johnstone on Unsplash

Dog toothpaste sold in pet stores is safe, as it is developed taking into account that animals do not spit after brushing, but have the reflex of swallowing the toothpaste. But if you have a dog and want to save some money, a tip is to learn how to make dog toothpaste - check out an effective homemade recipe for your best friend. Before using, consult a veterinarian or veterinarian you trust.

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Dog toothpaste - homemade recipe


  • A third of a teaspoon of salt;
  • Six teaspoons of baking soda;
  • Four teaspoons of glycerin;
  • A chopped mint leaf;
  • Benefits of mint and its tea

How to make

Mix all ingredients in a bowl that has a lid; add a few drops of water and mix well until the toothpaste is smooth.

Use a very small amount to brush your dog's teeth and store what is left using the covered bowl itself - keep in a dry, airy place away from sources of light.

But wait, what do you mean brush the dog's teeth?

Many people don't even think about it, but the oral hygiene of animals is very important. Not only the dog, but the cat as well (we didn't mention cats above because they are very sensitive animals and get intoxicated easily. For the cat, prefer industrialized toothpaste, which is safer - and don't forget to recycle the packaging) .

Brushing your pet's teeth at least three times a week helps prevent the formation of bacterial plaque (the famous “tartar”), which causes gum inflammation and tooth loss. In advanced cases of periodontal disease, bacteria can invade the blood vessels in the mouth and reach the circulation, having access to any organ in the animal's body and causing a variety of diseases.

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To get your pet used to brushing his teeth, go slowly: first, make him get used to using your finger in his mouth. Then let him lick the toothpaste, see if you can rub some toothpaste into his mouth with your finger. The next step is to present the toothbrush (it can be a children's brush or one suitable for animals) by rubbing it on the outside of the animal's mouth. When he gets used to it, start rubbing his teeth. After all these steps, the animal is ready to allow its teeth to be brushed. To facilitate this training, offer snacks at each advance and start as early as possible, preferably as a puppy (it can be a week after the third dose of the first vaccine).

Attention: like shampoo, toothpaste intended for humans is not recommended for animals, even if it is also homemade, because, as already said, animals will swallow the cream and this requires greater attention to the ingredients and proportions. Before using, consult a veterinarian or veterinarian.

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