Instituto Muda: selective collection in companies and condominiums

Have you ever thought about the ease of hiring a selective collection company for your condominium or business?

Muda Institute

A selective collection company like Instituto Muda has as its main function the elaboration of projects for the implementation of waste management systems.

Garbage is a human invention. In nature, all waste becomes an input for something and returns to the environment in a harmonic cycle. In this regenerative concept, which is based on the Circular Economy, the objective is to reach the maximum possible use of all the products generated. Thus, selective collection is one of the instruments used to avoid the generation of waste that impacts the environment.

When we buy a product with packaging, peel a fruit or simply use an item until the end of its useful life, we generate waste. The rational management of waste is an essential step in the Circular Economy, as it must be reused and recycled, adding an extra life to the material chain. Garbage is a potential source of raw material for manufacturing new products. Its recycling brings social, environmental and economic benefits for everyone (learn more about the reuse of solid waste and the difference between residue and reject).

However, even with the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), there is still a lack of structure for governments and companies to collect and reuse materials correctly. To facilitate this type of service, there are specialized companies, such as Instituto Muda, a selective collection company specializing in the preparation of projects and implementation of waste management programs in companies and condominiums. The company has been operating since 2007 promoting sustainable practices in residential condominiums and companies through waste management (learn more about the implementation of selective collection in residential condominiums).

Institute services changes

Instituto Muda is a selective collection company that develops a diagnosis and project to adapt the necessary infrastructure according to the location. In addition, it provides training and lectures to show the procedures of the waste management project and encourage environmental awareness of everyone involved.

The selective collection carried out by the company is weekly and 100% of the recyclable materials are sent to recycling cooperatives registered in the city, generating income and a positive social impact.

To facilitate the follow-up and monitoring of implemented processes, the company provides a monthly waste report on the amount and quality of recyclables destined by the company. In addition, Instituto Muda offers a certificate of correct disposal, proving that your condominium or company has properly managed waste.

Muda Institute Collectors

The company was internationally certified as "Company B" in 2014. Companies B are socially committed, and use their businesses for community development and poverty reduction, in addition to seeking solutions to climate problems.

Instituto Muda believes that recycling should be done in a planned and organized manner. The company has already implemented selective collection in more than 400 companies and 85 condominiums, raising awareness and raising awareness over 40,000 residents, 10,000 families and correctly allocating more than 3,000 tons of recyclable materials to cooperatives.

Instituto Muda was created in 2007 and has since won several awards nationally and internationally. The company also has "Agentes Muda", which promote courses, lectures and training on the themes of sustainability, solid waste management and environmental education at universities, schools, companies and congresses.

Results of the Muda Institute

If you are interested in the work of Instituto Muda, fill out the form below to receive a quote for the implementation of the service in your condominium or company:

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