Tips to End Door Squeak in 15 Minutes

He's the most annoying noise the universe has in store for your life, and you probably don't have the morals to fix it. Or rather, it didn't have

Between coming home from college almost midnight and getting something to eat, showering, answering messages from everyone who is still awake, sitting on the couch and watching two or three episodes of a series, and finally turning off the computer after checking the email or slipping into the vortex of the Facebook timeline, it's already past two-thirty in the morning. Then it seems that something increased the volume of all the objects in your house and a simple act, like putting a glass in the sink, sounds like a crash of chandelier crystals falling to the floor. But the glass in the sink is a piece of cake... The worst thing, at these times, is your bedroom door.

If you live with someone, it will surely squeak so loud that the person who lives with you will wake up and soon your active presence in the house at night will be denounced... And who knows what the person will think of you. Now, if you live alone, it's sure to squeak so loudly while you sleep that it's going to look like you're in the newest Paranormal Activity movie. There's no way to escape at all.

And even though you promise yourself every day that you'll work it out, buddy, we know it's not true. By the way, not wanting to generalize, but you shouldn't even know how to solve this problem. Neither do I, but I will definitely try these tips below, imported from BrightNest. Check out how to stop the squeak of the door:

Bar soap

With a bar of soap, rub the hinges until they are well lubricated. To do this, however, avoid using glycerin-based soap. Glycerin draws moisture out of the air, rusting the hinges after a while.


Using a hammer, knock out the hinge pin from the bottom. Pass the Vaseline over the pin and then the snap back onto the hinge. Do this with all hinges.

paraffin candles

First, disassemble the hinge with a hammer. Melt the candle and apply the hot wax directly onto the hinge pins. Then put them back.

Olive oil

Use a cloth or cotton swab to apply olive oil to the top of any creaky hinges in your home.

That's all, folks! I really hope some of these tips work in your home. Leave your comments below!

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