How to make avocado oil
Find out how to make homemade avocado oil - it can be very beneficial to your health
How to make avocado oil is a typical question for those looking to save money. Avocado oil can be extracted from the seed, but it is also possible to make homemade avocado oil from the pulp of the fruit.
It is worth having this product at home as it provides many health benefits, such as moisturizing your hair and combating skin problems. Read more about the product in the article: "Avocado oil: benefits and uses".
Discover three different ways to make homemade avocado oil from fruit pulp.
How to Make Pure Homemade Avocado Oil
2 medium units of very ripe avocado (yields 25 ml of oil)
Method of preparation
Cut the avocados in half and spread all the pulp on a baking sheet. Then, mash all the avocado pulp, place it on the baking sheet and leave it in the sun, leaving it exposed to the sun for a period of five to seven days. The thinner the avocado layer, the faster the process, as it will facilitate drying.
After this period, the avocado will turn a dark brown color, which is expected. Then scrape it off the baking sheet and, using a cotton cloth, extract all the oil from the dried avocado.
To dry the avocado in the oven, leave the pan at a maximum of 50ºC for five hours. The avocado should have a dark color, but not black, as this would indicate that it has burned. If you find that the oven is too hot, lower the temperature.
Remember to check the oven every now and then to make sure the avocado batter doesn't burn. When dry, it will have a dark brown tone, remove it from the oven and, with the help of a spatula, scrape all the avocado. Extract with a cotton cloth.
Two units of avocado yield about 25 ml of pure avocado oil.
To get a better view of how to make homemade avocado oil step by step take a look at the video.
After making homemade avocado oil, try to incorporate leftover avocado in other recipes such as cakes and juices.
This recipe for homemade avocado oil is very good for when you want to enjoy avocados that have passed the point of consumption and have not completely spoiled.
If you cannot incorporate the rest of the avocado pulp, recycle the residue in the composter. Learn more about this topic in the article: "What is composting and how to do it".
To know other delicious recipes with fresh avocado take a look at the article: "Recipes with avocado: ten easy and delicious preparations".
To know the benefits of avocado check out the article: "The benefits of avocado".