Sesame Benefits

Sesame is good for bones, prevents the effects of radiation and diabetes symptoms, among other benefits.


Edited and resized image by Ari Koess is available on Unsplash

Sesame, also known as sesame, is the seed of a plant originating from the East, with scientific name Sesamum indicum. In addition to being delicious, sesame seeds have many benefits, such as improving bone health, protecting against radiation, cancer, hypertension, diabetes and inflammation.

You can find black, white and brown sesame seeds (when there is husk). Despite variations, the nutritional value between different types of sesame seed changes little.

Sesame seeds contain 52% beneficial lipids (fats) and are made up of unsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to lowering cholesterol levels. In addition, they are abundant in fiber, protein, thiamine, vitamin B6, folate, tryptophan and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper and zinc.

Sesame Benefits

Reduces hypertension

Consuming natural sesame seed oil is associated with a reduction in high blood pressure, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and helps prevent various heart conditions. In addition, sesame seed provides 25% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of magnesium, an important vasodilator (an agent that lowers blood pressure) and has other functions for the body. Understand more about magnesium in the matter: "Magnesium: what is it for?".

Prevents cancer

With the wide range of essential vitamins and minerals present in sesame seeds, it is not surprising that consumption of this ingredient has been associated with a reduction in the risk of cancer. In addition to minerals, sesame seeds contain phytate, an antioxidant that fights the effects of free radicals.

improves diabetes

The components of sesame seeds, such as magnesium, have been linked to reducing the risk of diabetes and are used to treat its symptoms. Furthermore, it has been shown that sesame oil can positively affect the action of various drugs in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. It improves the functionality of glibenclamide (diabetes drug) and further regulates insulin and glucose levels in the body. , thus helping to control the symptoms of the disease.

Good for bone health

The impressive levels of essential minerals like zinc, calcium and phosphorus found in sesame seeds can be great bone health friends. They are an integral part of creating and repairing bones weakened by injury or the onset of debilitating bone conditions such as osteoporosis.

However, sesame seeds contain natural compounds called oxalates and phytates, which are considered antinutrients and reduce the absorption of these minerals. To limit the impact of these compounds, try soaking, roasting or sprouting the sesame seeds.

Helps control cholesterol

Some studies suggest that eating sesame seeds regularly can help lower high cholesterol and triglycerides - which are risk factors for heart disease. According to research, eating more polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat (such as those in sesame) relative to saturated fat can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Furthermore, sesame seeds contain two types of plant compounds - lignans and phytosterols - which can also have cholesterol-lowering effects.

Improves digestion

Sesame also contains fiber that is important for bowel health, reducing conditions such as constipation and diarrhea, and protecting colon health.

Reduces inflammation

The high copper content of sesame seeds has several valuable functions, including reducing inflammation in joints, bones and muscles, thus reducing the pain associated with arthritis. In addition, copper is an essential mineral for the strengthening of blood vessels, bones and joints, being necessary for the adequate uptake of iron, a key component of hemoglobin.

Improves oral health

Perhaps the most notable effects of sesame are on oral health. Sesame oil can be applied internally and externally, presenting an antibacterial and astringent effect. It also reduces the presence of Streptococcus, a common bacterium that can wreak havoc in the oral cavities and other parts of the body.

  • Sesame Oil Provides Health Benefits

Protects against radiation

One of the organic compounds present in sesame is the sesamol. It has been linked to protecting DNA from the harmful effects of radiation. Radiation, which can come from accidental sources or from cancer treatment by chemotherapy and radiation therapy, causes DNA damage, increasing the chance of new cancer. In this sense, sesame can be an ally in preventing this type of damage and, consequently, preventing cancer.

skin and hair

As mentioned, sesame seeds contain high levels of zinc, a vital component in collagen formation, which strengthens muscle tissue, hair and skin. In addition, sesame seed oil reduces burn spots and other marks on the skin, as well as signs of premature aging.

Increases metabolic function

Sesame also contains a large amount of dietary proteins with fine quality amino acids that are essential for healthy cell growth, maintenance of energy levels and metabolic function.

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