Benefits of Raw Potato Juice

Raw potato juice prevents premature aging, improves kidney, liver and nervous system function, among other benefits

raw potato juice

Raw potato juice may not look very tasty, but you can mix it with fruit juices and it has many benefits, being rich in essential vitamins and nutrients. Check out:

1. It has vitamins C

Potatoes contain just over 100% of the Recommended Daily Intake (IGR) of vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron and form collagen in blood vessels, muscles, cartilage and bones. Its antioxidant properties can also improve the overall health of the skin, helping to relieve swelling, irritation, and radiance.

2. It has B complex vitamins

A cup of potato juice contains about 40% of the RDI of thiamine (vitamin B-1) and niacin (vitamin B-3), plus small amounts of riboflavin (vitamin B-2) and vitamin B-6.

These B-complex vitamins are vital in helping the body convert carbohydrates to glucose for energy, as well as supporting brain and nervous system functions, helping to promote capillary, skin and liver health.

3. It is rich in potassium

Potato juice is three times richer in potassium than a medium-sized orange, which represents 31% of the RDI. Potassium is an electrolyte that helps regulate body fluids, supports muscle function and the kidneys.

4. Has iron

Iron is essential for maintaining the body's health. Potato juice made with approximately one cup of potato can provide 14% of the RDI of this nutrient.

5. Has calcium

Without calcium, the human body's blood would not clot and teeth and bones would be extremely weak. Potato juice made with a cup of potatoes can supply up to 5% of the RDI of this mineral, contributing to bone health.

6. Has zinc

In addition to keeping the immune system healthy, zinc helps speed wound healing. A one-cup serving of potatoes contains about 1 milligram of zinc. This represents about 9% of the IDR for men and 11% for most women.

7. Reduces reflux

Potatoes are also highly alkaline, which can help reduce acid reflux and alleviate other stomach ailments.

How to begin

choose the right potato

Avoid using any potatoes that have:

  • A green hue as they may contain high levels of solanine, a pesticide;
  • Green shoots;
  • Dark spots.

And remember that the amounts of nutrients mentioned above vary not only according to the type of potato, but also according to how the vegetable was grown and prepared for consumption.

How to make potato juice

English potato juice


  • 2 units of raw potato;
  • From 100 ml to 200 ml of water, approximately.

Method of preparation:

  1. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut each one into pieces;
  2. Put the potatoes and water in a blender and blend until it becomes a juice.

boiled sweet potato juice


  • 100 g of cooked sweet potato (can be peeled or peeled);
  • 1 ½ cups (200 ml) of ice water;
  • 1 teaspoon of maple syrup (optional).

Method of preparation:

  1. Sanitize well and cook the sweet potato in water;
  2. Allow to cool and blend in a blender
  3. If you think the final result is a little thick, add a little more water. If you find it necessary to sweeten it, add a teaspoon of maple syrup.
For added flavor, you can mix fruits in potato juice, such as mango, lemon or apple.

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