Flavored water: how to make, recipes and benefits

Flavored water is delicious and provides health benefits. Check out unmissable recipes

flavored water

Edited and resized image by Monika Grabkowska, is available on Unsplash

Flavored water is a delicious, natural, healthy and very easy drink to make. Flavored water can be prepared with flavoring leaves, herb twigs, pieces, pulps and fruit peels. When preparing flavored water, no sugar or sweetener is added, making it a really healthy refreshment.

  • Six natural sweetener options without synthetic sweetener

How to make flavored water

To make flavoring water you will only need a glass container, fruits, herbs, leaves and water.

Flavored Water Recipes

Basil flavored water

flavored water

Edited and resized image by Johann Trasch is available on Unsplash

Basil flavored water is one of the easiest flavored water recipes to make. You just need to add a few sprigs of basil to the water and let it freeze for 30 minutes. For every liter of filtered water you can add ten sprigs of basil with flower and everything else. In addition to a light and refreshing flavor, you can enjoy the benefits of basil.

Check out the benefits of basil in the article: "Basil: uses, benefits and how to cultivate".

If you don't have basil at home, you can also use basil essential oil. But be careful: because it is very concentrated, you need to use little. About one drop of basil essential oil for every two liters of filtered water.

  • Basil tea and other recipes to enjoy benefits

In order not to waste the basil sprigs after consuming its flavored water, send them to the compost. Understand this process better in the article: "What is composting and how to do it".

If you use essential oil, remember to send your container for recycling. See which are the collection points closest to your home on the free search engines at eCycle portal .

Rosemary flavored water

flavored water

Edited and resized image of Annie Spratt, is available on Unsplash

As with basil flavored water, you can use whole sprigs of rosemary, flower and all (except roots). To make rosemary flavored water, add about three sprigs of rosemary about four inches each to a quart of filtered water and chill for 30 minutes.

Rosemary is very beneficial for health and will leave your water delicious, with a light flavor. Understand the properties of rosemary in the article: "Rosemary: benefits and what it is for". If you don't have rosemary at home, you can use rosemary essential oil. However, you must remember that essential oils are very concentrated, so use at most one drop of rosemary essential oil for two liters of filtered water.

  • Learn more about rosemary essential oil in the article: "What is rosemary essential oil for?".

Remember to send your essential oil container for recycling, checking which are the recycling stations closest to your home in the free search engines. eCycle portal .

Oh, and compose the rosemary sprigs after consuming their flavored water! See also "How to plant rosemary?"

Orange and cucumber flavored water

flavored water

Edited and resized image of Ananth Pai is available on Unsplash To make orange flavored water you will need an orange and a cucumber. Wash them well, cut them into thin slices in a way that is very elegant and place them in a jar containing a liter of filtered water. Leave this mixture to rest in the fridge for an hour and that's it, you can serve! You can also use orange essential oil in this recipe (in place of orange), but use just one drop for two liters of water.

  • Benefits of whole orange and orange juice
  • Cucumber: benefits of food to beauty

Lemon and ginger flavored water

flavored water

Edited and resized image by Dominik Martin is available on Unsplash

Lemon and ginger flavored water is a potent blend! That's because lemon and ginger are nature's wonders full of beneficial properties for our health. And this is all based on studies. To better understand this topic, take a look at the articles: "Benefits of lemon: from health to cleanliness" and "Benefits of ginger and its tea".

To make your lemon and ginger flavored water you will need half a lemon thinly sliced ​​and a piece of fresh ginger root also thinly sliced. Let this mixture sit in the fridge for an hour and serve yourself. You can also use the essential oil of these two ingredients, but always in the proportion of one drop for every two liters of filtered water.

Strawberry flavored water

flavored water

Edited and resized LJT image is available on Unsplash

Strawberry is one of the fruits that contains the most pesticides. Therefore, whenever possible, choose the pesticide-free options, better known as organic options. To learn more about this topic, take a look at the article: "What is organic agriculture?".

To make your water flavored with organic strawberries you will need a liter of filtered water, five fresh ripe strawberries and two sprigs of mint. Gently cut the strawberries and let the mixture with all the ingredients rest for a whole day in a tightly capped glass container. The water will turn pink and delicious. You can still eat the strawberries and take the sprigs of mint to the composter.

  • Home composting: how to do it and benefits

Apple and cinnamon flavored water

flavored water

Edited and resized image by Jacek Dylag is available on Unsplash

Apple and cinnamon have incredible properties, which is why their flavored water is so sought after. If you still don't know the benefits of this mixture, take a look at the articles: "Know the benefits of the apple" and "Spices and their health benefits".

To make apple and cinnamon flavored water you will need a quart of filtered water, a cinnamon stick, a green apple and a lemon.

Put the water to heat, without letting it reach the boiling level. Meanwhile, cut the apple into pieces. Once hot, transfer all ingredients to water and cover for ten minutes. Let it cool and refrigerate, leaving it to rest for two hours.

  • How to make apple cider vinegar

Lemongrass flavored water

The lemongrass, also known as lemongrass or lemongrass (because it is commonly confused with lemon balm), is a medicinal plant with numerous benefits for health and well-being. The lemongrass tea or its juice is recommended for the treatment of insomnia and anxiety problems, to combat fever and in cases of stomach and intestinal cramps and due to its detoxifying function, it is also used to make flavored water.

To make lemongrass flavored water you can use:

  • 3 star fruit;
  • 10 branches of lemongrass;
  • 5 star anise seeds;
  • 1 liter of ice water.
Then place the thinly sliced ​​carambola, lemongrass and star anise seeds in the bottom of a glass jar, add the filtered water and let it rest in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving. But be careful not to exaggerate the consumption of carambola, understand why in the article: "Is carambola bad?".

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