Candidiasis sitz bath

Baking soda can be used to make a sitz bath for thrush.

candidiasis sitz bath

Gartensicht image on Pixabay

Among the many uses of baking soda is its potential to alleviate the symptoms of candidiasis. Taking a bicarbonate candidiasis sitz bath is a good way to help fight yeast infections. Candida albicans.

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Natural of the human body, the Candida proliferates and causes unpleasant symptoms when there is some dysregulation in the body. This can occur due to moisture in the intimate region, use of antibiotics or a simple drop in immunity.

The use of wet bathing suits on the beach or in the pool, for example, is one of the friends of the proliferation of Candida. To avoid recurrent infections, the ideal is to maintain a balanced diet, always do intimate hygiene and avoid tight clothes.

  • Candidiasis: learn about food that works as a natural remedy

When the infection is already underway, one option to alleviate the itchiness caused by thrush is to take a sitz bath with baking soda. THE Candida likes acidic environments and bicarbonate will help maintain a balanced pH in the vagina or penis, the main areas where the symptoms of thrush appear. The sitz bath is an ally in the control of symptoms such as itching and discharge.

Alkaline salt does not replace conventional treatment, but it can be sufficient in lighter cases. Before taking the candidiasis sitz bath, talk to your doctor or doctor to find out if this is the best option for you.

Candidiasis sitz bath with baking soda


  • 1 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 bowl big enough for you to sit.

Method of preparation

Boil water and pour into bowl. Add the baking soda, stir and wait for the water to warm a little. When the water is warm, sit in the basin so that the liquid covers your belly. Wait at least 20 minutes. Bathe or sanitize the intimate area before doing the bicarbonate sitz bath.

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