Bottle Bit turns glass bottles into cool glasses

Project allows you to make custom cups by reusing an old bottle

Invention can transform your glass bottle into a stylish glass

Reusing glass bottles was a common practice a few decades ago. They were even called returnables, as the subject simply returned the bottle to the market and could (after a modest contribution) take another one (full of unhealthy soda) home. Well then, a project called Bottle Bit decided to encourage the reuse of bottles, but in another way.

The great idea is to turn them into cups. But if you try to do this at home, what problem will come up? When the base of a bottle is cut, invariably its edges are jagged and no one will want to put their mouth there - it would be an ugly cut for sure. There remains the laborious possibility of sanding the edges - and even then they wouldn't look very nice.

The innovation of Bottle Bit It's simple: make it easy to turn a bottle into a glass by using a kind of metal cylinder with a support to be fitted to a drill. After making this fitting, just place the cut bottle inside the cylinder, turn on the drill and sand the edges of the bottle. That's it, you'll have a new glass in no time!

For smaller bottles, the creators of Bottle Bit provide a foam that fills the empty spaces in the cylinder. Depending on the type of package purchased, it is possible to receive support for the drill and even a bottle cutter.

With a basic design, it helps to sand the mouth of the cupEx-bottles turned into stylish glass cups

Interested in the idea? How about checking out the guys' official website? To better understand how the Bottle Bit, check out the video.

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