15 ways to redecorate your home using unused objects
Reuse can be a beautiful alternative in interior decoration
Every year, when the seasons change, many of us gather the old and used things and just throw them away. However, we often don't realize that various objects we throw away could be turned into something useful, reusing them instead of discarding them to buy more. If that old ladder you have around isn't safe anymore, there are probably still a million other things it can be repurposed.
And if you can't make something useful out of your old stuff, it's possible to make something at least beautiful! Haroshi, Edouard Martinet, Jane Perkins and Mr. Finch are just a few of the countless artists out there who have made ingenious use of ancient material to create beautiful works of art! Check out some examples below and maybe you don't try to decorate by reusing materials either: