Is microwave recyclable?

The answer is yes, but there are parts that are difficult to recycle.



The basic principle of this type of oven is to transform electrical energy into thermal energy by means of electromagnetic waves (such as microwaves), which increase the kinetic energy of food. Its main component is the magnetron, responsible for the formation of magnetic waves and basically composed of magnets and metal plates. These waves are absorbed by the water molecules present in the food, causing agitation and eventually heating.

Impacts on everyday use

The type of microwave oven heating causes the nutrients in the food to be reduced. However, it is not just the benefits that cease. According to Dr. Sérgio Vaisman, a physician specializing in nutrology and dedicated to the practice of preventive medicine for years, changes resulting from heating using microwaves can cause foods such as fiber, fruits and vegetables, which are abundant in antioxidants, to lose much of their strength. properties, fundamental to the work of eliminating part of the free radicals that can damage the DNA of cells and contribute to the prevention of various diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. According to Pediatrics, the loss of vitamins and nutrients from breast milk due to microwave heating can affect a baby's immune system.

Heating food in plastic containers that are not specific for this type of oven can release dioxin, a colorless and odorless organic compound that is proven to be carcinogenic (attested by the National Cancer Institute). To avoid problems, just use tempered glass, porcelain or special microwave-safe containers.

However, operating in a normal way, the microwave does not pose health risks, it is even a facilitator to save time in our daily routine. When the oven is turned off, there is no risk of contamination by radiation, as it only emits it when it is working, according to the Technological Research Institute. But be aware of old devices. If there are problems closing the door, hinge, latch or seal, use should be stopped and the device repaired, as radiation can escape.

How to dispose?

When the appliance is out of repair, the best way to dispose of a microwave oven is to send it for recycling. The microwave is made up of various materials such as plastic, glass and metals, which can be separated and recycled. However, the recycling of tempered glass is very difficult to be carried out and few places have such certification; and the recycling of electronic boards, which contain heavy metals such as lead and cadmium, is currently only carried out abroad.

According to the quality and environment coordinator at Electrolux do Brasil, Luis Machado, consumers do not need to worry about this. “The Magnetron, a fundamental part in the emission of waves in this equipment, is not radioactive. This technology is an electronic component that emits electromagnetic waves that has the power to heat the particles, thus generating the cooking effect on food”, he explained.

Machado also says that the most difficult part of all the equipment that makes up a microwave oven is the electronic circuit board. However, it is only fully recyclable abroad. "Currently, these parts are sent to countries that have this type of recycling and technology," he said. According to the Center for Disposal and Reuse of Computer Waste (Cedir), of the University of São Paulo (USP), any product that has an electronic board has contaminants. The specialist in environmental management at Cedir, Neuci Bicov, claims that microwaves use brown plates. "They contain heavy metals, which is why they need to be sent to recyclers authorized by CETESB. Copper and aluminum are extracted from them; the phenolite part, unfortunately, is still considered waste, as it has no recycling," he said.

The brown plates are composed of: capacitor (which is dangerous because it contains heavy metals and stores voltage), diode, resistors, transformer and some chips. "In our case, we send it to companies that extract aluminum and copper, making the other components inert," stated Neuci.

Other options

If your oven is still in working condition, donate or sell it!

If there are no service stations in your region, it is recommended to ask the government for assistance on how to dispose of your microwave oven.

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