Fly traps that do not harm the environment

Meet fly traps that use natural baits and are totally non-toxic

fly trap

If flies bother you a lot, but you abhor the use of insecticides because of the toxicity of this type of product, a sustainable option may be a good solution. You can make your own fly catching paper (learn here), make an eco-friendly fly trap (learn here), or pick up some fly traps on the market.

Currently, there are traps for flies that do not use any type of chemical in their composition. Traps usually have four compartments: the tower (where the flies enter), the lid (trap frame), mesh cone (prevents the flies from leaving once they have entered) and the bag (which holds the baits ).

The system of almost all traps works basically the same way. An attractive substance usually drives the insects into the container, where they end up trapped and die. The accumulated material (baits and flies) can be used as natural fertilizer in your little plants, as feed for fish and birds.

Traps are very effective in controlling the insect population, even when they have become resistant to insecticides.

To prepare, just add warm water to the product and place it outside the house, about ten meters from the main point to be protected, and at a distance of 1.5 meters from the ground - preferably under the direct sunlight. The natural heat activates the bait and makes the attractive scent stay in the air. The warmer the climate, the faster this process takes place. In cool weather, the effect can take two days to start, but in cold weather this time increases. The traps last from four to six weeks and can capture up to 20,000 flies.

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