15 quick tips on how to reuse junk that isn't junk

Learn new and useful ways to reuse your trash


Have you ever heard of upcycle? It is the act of reusing an object that would go to waste, transforming it and giving it a new function. A sustainable attitude is to reuse garbage that is not really garbage, it is just a material that, with a little creativity, will become something totally new. So how to reuse the garbage? Calm! Below we've made a list of several cool tricks you can do at home as ways to upcycle, check out:

Silica bags

They come in medicine and shoe containers, are great for protecting documents and photographs from moisture and mildew, and they can also work to dry electronics such as cell phones and cameras. See more in the article "Silica bags: they are more useful than you think".


Have you lost your key at sea when going to the beach? A wine cork as a keyring is perfect for not sinking and not going through this predicament.

wine corks

They're also great art tools - they're often used to make huge paintings. See more in the article "Wine bottle corks are reused and used to paint huge portraits".


Place some old newspapers under the tablecloth. This will help in case of accidents with spilled drinks.

plastic bottles

Two-liter plastic bottles, those of soda, can become feeders for birds. Learn how to make yours in the video below:

plastic bag

You know that plastic bag that comes with your newspaper in the morning? Take some in your bag. In case of rain, they are great to wear as wellies, just wrap them in your shoes and protect them from getting wet. But, if possible, advise the newsboy not to use them, as most of the time they are not needed.

Plastic bags

Don't like using rubber gloves to wash dishes? How about trying to use plastic bags to protect your hands? Always remembering that you should avoid the bags as much as possible. See how to stop using bags in the article "What are the alternatives to grocery bags?".

Paper towel or toilet cardboard tubes

They are great toys for hamsters and birds. These tubes can also be used as packaging.

Egg shells and packaging

Use egg shells and egg packs as seedbeds. Learn how to do it in the article "Use the eggshell to make a seedbed".


Umbrella broke? How about making a skirt with it?

Umbrella broke? How about making a skirt with it?

old jeans

They can be transformed into fashion objects, such as bags and pillow fabrics.

banana peel

Use the banana peel to polish the shoe. In addition to being non-toxic, it is more ecological than traditional polishing. See more tips in the article "Ripe banana recipes and unusual uses for their peels".

Orange and lemon peels

They help to keep brown sugar softer, thus preventing the formation of sugar “stones”. Check out other uses in the article "Reusing food: 15 ways to use leftovers and fruit and vegetable peels".

Used tea bags

They can be used in cleaning your home, removing stains from the bathroom, cleaning mirrors and carpets. See more tips in the article "Reuse tea bags and be more sustainable in your day-to-day".

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