How to make popcorn in the microwave

Discover the benefits of popcorn and how to prepare your normal popcorn in the microwave - and without health risks


Despite being associated with junk food, popcorn can be very good for your health! This is because it has many fibers, which bring several benefits to our body, such as preventing chronic diseases, reducing cholesterol, improving bowel function, controlling diabetes mellitus and preventing colon cancer. According to the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), an adult human being must ingest daily at least 25 grams of dietary fiber - a child needs to ingest at least 13 grams of fiber. According to the Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection (IDEC), in 100 grams of popcorn it is possible to obtain 13 grams of dietary fiber.

For some time now, eating habits have changed due to the excessive consumption of industrialized products, leading to a lower intake of fiber and other components, such as vitamins and minerals. Industrialized popcorn, also known as microwave popcorn, is a product that contributes to this change, as it contains substances that prevent the absorption of vitamins by the body, excess sodium and other types of synthetic elements that accumulate in our body and harm us. Understand the question in the article: "Is microwave popcorn bad?"

So that you can get out of the bad diet statistics, how about adopting a recipe in which it is possible to make popcorn in the microwave using normal corn, without having to buy the microwave popcorn itself and without using too much oil?

How to make popcorn in the microwave


  • ½ cup of popcorn tea
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • spray oil

Method of preparation

First, take a paper bag of bread and place your regular popcorn corn in the bottom of this package. Then roll the bag around the mouth to prevent the popcorn from popping out while it's popping.

Place the package inside the microwave and turn the appliance on for approximately three to four minutes at full power (time depends on the power of your appliance - some may take more or less time).

Carefully remove the package from the microwave, add a pinch of salt and sprinkle a little oil to make it more flavorful. Your popcorn is ready!

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