How to make homemade cleaning products

With just seven ingredients it is possible to make homemade cleaning products

how to make homemade cleaning products

Jess Watters image on Unsplash

There are some homemade cleaning products "hidden" in our homes that do not contain toxics in their compositions, in addition to being more economical than traditional cleaning products.

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  • The different uses of baking soda

And, from them, it is possible to create different ways to clean the house in a simple way, in which you make your own homemade cleaning products. Follow below how to use these seven ingredients to create homemade products:

How to make homemade cleaning products


  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • distilled white vinegar;
  • Sodium bicarbonate;
  • Water;
  • Vegetable-based liquid soap;
  • Linseed oil;
  • What are essential oils?

Multipurpose cleaner and disinfectant

Mix one part hydrogen peroxide and one part white distilled vinegar with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Then place in a spray bottle and apply to kitchen counters, bathroom sinks and other surfaces. This solution kills 90% of the bacteria and spores found;

  • Make a homemade cleaning product with baking soda


Pour half a cup of white distilled vinegar down the toilet. Then add half a cup of baking soda. This mixture will bubble and foam for one minute. Then scrub the toilet as usual and flush. How to unclog the drain sustainably;

wood cleaner

Mix a cup of liquid, biodegradable, vegetable-based soap with half a cup of linseed oil and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. This is a great way to nourish wood, including those from old floors;

  • DIY: sustainable products for cleaning the stove and polishing wood

Glass cleaner

Mix one part distilled white vinegar with one part water in a spray bottle and apply to the glass. For drying, old newspapers are great substitutes for paper towels.

  • How to make homemade and natural glass cleaner


In a large bucket, mix three to four cups of white vinegar with one cup of baking soda. This mixture is a great degreaser for walls and wood.

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