How to make the perfect boiled egg

See how to make a hard-boiled egg and learn a quick way to peel food

Boiled egg

Image: Annie Spratt in Unsplash

Do you like boiled eggs? It tastes great, but let's face it, it's not that easy to prepare a perfect hard-boiled egg. Removing the shell later, not to mention, it requires a whole lot of training. Neither task need be suffered. Learn how to make a hard-boiled egg to prepare your recipes, then check out our video that teaches you a simple way to peel an egg.

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How to make boiled egg?

To make boiled egg, boil enough water to soak the egg. Place the egg in boiling water and wait 4 to 12 minutes. The time varies according to your preference for the yolk - if you want the soft yolk, 4 minutes is enough. 7 minutes is the ideal time for a creamy egg yolk and, if you want the egg yolk cooked, leave it for 12 minutes.

After that, just cool the cooked egg with a little filtered water at room temperature. When peeling, a trick is to place the hard-boiled egg in a large bowl or pan. Then, just shake the container so that the hard-boiled egg crashes into the walls of the item. The husk should start to come off as the process progresses.

Thermal shock

Cooling hard-boiled eggs using thermal shock, however, is a controversial practice. Although some people believe that heat shock can help create that greenish layer around the yolk, they are wrong. This phenomenon is caused by the production of hydrogen sulfide that takes place in cooking.

Therefore, if you cook the egg for more than 15 minutes in water, the tendency is for a greenish layer to form. There are also other factors that can make the yolk with the aforementioned characteristic, such as the age and pH of the egg.

But there is consensus on one point: the hydrogen sulfide layer has not been proven to be harmful to health, despite not being very beautiful.

reuse water

After a short time of doing the procedure, the eggshell will come off easily and you will be able to eat the egg. Ah! And don't forget to reuse the water used in cooking eggs: it will be enriched by the vitamins contained in the shell - we talk a little more about this in the article "How to reuse cooking water?".

The video below, produced by the team at eCycle portal, helps to understand the technique explained on how to peel a boiled egg :

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