Make a homemade and natural raisin

Homemade and natural recipe for ironing helps make ironing easier

easy pass

Image: Filip Mroz on Unsplash

Ironing clothes isn't one of the coolest chores in the world, is it? But who doesn't like to wear an ironed and well-ironed outfit? What many don't know is that the use of ironing gum, also called easy ironing or ironing, is not just a "freshness": in addition to ironing your clothes and facilitating the ironing, it also serves as a layer of protection between clothes and stains, preserving the pieces for a longer time. But you don't need to be held hostage by the industrialized versions, as it is possible to make a homemade easy raisin recipe using only natural products. You preserve your pocket and avoid harmful chemicals.

  • Researcher lists risk of possible damage from cleaning products

If you live a hurried routine and don't always have time to buy gum, or if you prefer substances that come into contact with your skin to have few harmful chemicals and be more organic, we do eCycle portal we have a very nice homemade raisin tip.


  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch;
  • 2 glasses of tap or distilled water;
  • 1 bottle with a spray cap and a capacity of 500 ml;
  • Essence or herbs (optional);
  • 1 canister with a capacity of 500 ml;
  • 1 tablespoon.


Mix two tablespoons of cornstarch and two cups of water in a bowl. With the spoon, stir the content well until it is smooth. Then add a little bit of the essence of your choice. Put all this in the bottle and close it with the spray cap. Now just shake it well and start using your homemade raisin. Store the raisin in a cool, dry place.

Keep in mind that cornstarch can be concentrated at the bottom of the jar, so it is best to always shake it before using. Check out the video to learn more about the process:

Easy raisin recipe with products with less environmental impact

If you do not have the ingredients mentioned above and use cleaner products with less impact, such as those from Potiv.A (a company that has the EuReciclo and Company B seals) check this recipe:

easy pass

To find out more about Positiv.A's ecological cleaning products, take a look at the article: "Positiv.A: Learn about different cleaning products with reduced environmental impact".

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