Acerola Health Benefits

An excellent source of vitamin C, acerola provides benefits for the prevention of several diseases


Acerola is the delicious fruit that grows on the tree called aceroleira, whose scientific name is malpighia emarginata. Originally from the Antilles, Central, North and South America, acerola was introduced in Brazil by the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, in 1955, in Pernambuco. Through seeds from Puerto Rico, the acerola ended up spreading throughout the Northeast and other regions of the country.

The cultivation of acerola grew from the end of the 20th century, and today the fruit is very present in crops in the northeast region of Brazil, mainly in the frozen fruit pulp agroindustry.

Acerola benefits

Vitamin A source

The same study that analyzed the amount of vitamin C present in acerola concluded that the fruit is a good source of vitamin A.

Vitamin C source

The health benefits of acerola are mainly due to the considerable presence of vitamin C in the fruit pulp. But this nutrient becomes scarcer the more the acerola matures - and the acerola matures very quickly.

A study published by the platform Science Direct compared the vitamin C concentration of three organically grown fruits in Brazil: acerola, strawberry and persimmon. The study concluded that acerola has more vitamin C than strawberries and persimmons (about 2294.53 mg for every 100 grams of fruit pulp).

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Antioxidant properties

Studies claim that acerola is quite rich in antioxidants. Along with vitamin A, vitamin C is a known antioxidant, helping to prevent free radical damage and certain diseases. Vitamin C is important in keeping the immune system functioning and helping the body fight infections, viruses, and even cancer.

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Improves immunity

As it is extremely rich in vitamin C, acerola can be used to prevent colds or flu, being a great ally of immunity.

Prevents scurvy

Scurvy is an acute or chronic disease caused by a lack of vitamin C. This deficiency can cause bleeding, changes in the gums and a drop in resistance to infections. Acerola, when consumed as a food, plays an important role in preventing scurvy due to its high concentration of vitamin C, as well as other fruits rich in this nutrient.

Helps maintain skin health

The vitamin C present in acerola also plays a fundamental role in building collagen (the protein responsible for maintaining skin elasticity) and protecting the body's mucous membranes.

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Acerola serves as a preventive food for vitamin C deficiency. But there are no studies showing that consumption of acerola treats vitamin C deficiency. If you are deficient in this nutrient, you need to consult your doctor or nutritionist for proper treatment.

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