How To Increase Dopamine With 11 Natural Tips

Meditating, sleeping well, consuming probiotics and avoiding saturated fat are some ways to increase dopamine in the brain

dopamine how to increase

Edited and resized image by Melissa Askew is available on Unsplash

Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter in the brain for many functions, including reward, motivation, memory, attention and even regulation of body movements (see studies about it here: 1, 2, 3). When dopamine is released in large amounts, it creates feelings of pleasure and reward, which motivates the repetition of a specific behavior (see studies about it here: 4, 5). When levels are low, on the other hand, there is a reduction in motivation and enthusiasm for things that would excite most people (see study on this 6).

Dopamine levels are normally well regulated in the nervous system, but there are some things you can do to raise them naturally.

How to increase dopamine

1. Eat protein

Proteins are made up of amino acids. There are 23 different amino acids, some of which the body can synthesize and which must be obtained from the diet, the essential amino acids.

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An amino acid called tyrosine plays an important role in the production of dopamine, as the body's enzymes transform tyrosine into dopamine. Therefore, having adequate levels of tyrosine is important for the production of dopamine.

Tyrosine can also be made from another amino acid called phenylalanine (see study about it here: 7).

Both tyrosine and phenylalanine are found naturally in protein-rich foods such as quinoa, rice and beans and pumpkin seeds (see study about 8).

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Studies show that increasing the amount of tyrosine and phenylalanine in the diet can increase dopamine levels in the brain, which improves cognitive performance and memory (see studies on this: 7, 9, 10).

On the other hand, when phenylalanine and tyrosine are eliminated from the diet, dopamine levels can be depleted (see study about it here: 11).

2. Avoid saturated fat

Saturated fat, very present in animal meats, butter, dairy products, palm oil and coconut oil, can interrupt dopamine signaling in the brain when consumed in large quantities (see studies about it here: 12, 13, 14) .

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One study found that rats that consumed 50% of their calories from saturated fat reduced dopamine signaling in the reward areas of their brain, compared to animals that received the same amount of calories from unsaturated fat.

Interestingly, these changes occurred even without differences in weight, body fat, hormones, or blood sugar levels.

Some researchers believe that diets high in saturated fat can increase inflammation in the body, leading to changes in the dopamine system.

Several observational studies have found a link between high saturated fat intake and poor memory and cognitive functioning in humans, but whether these effects are related to dopamine levels is unknown (see studies here: 15, 16).

3. Consume probiotics

In recent years, scientists have discovered that the gut and the brain are closely linked. In fact, the gut is sometimes called the “second brain” as it contains a large number of nerve cells that produce many neurotransmitter signaling molecules, including dopamine (see studies on this here: 17, 18).

Certain species of "good" bacteria, called probiotics, live in the gut and are capable of producing dopamine, which can affect mood and behavior (see studies on this: 19, 20).

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Several studies have shown that, when consumed in sufficient quantities, certain strains of bacteria can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in animals and humans (see studies about it here: 21, 22, 23).

4. Eat Florida beans

The Florida bean, also called Mucuna pruriens, contains naturally high levels of L-dopa, the precursor molecule of dopamine.

Studies show that eating these grains can help raise dopamine naturally, especially in people with Parkinson's disease, a disorder caused by low levels of dopamine.

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A study of people with Parkinson's disease found that consuming 250 grams of Florida beans significantly increased dopamine levels and reduced Parkinson's symptoms one to two hours after a meal.

Likewise, several studies on supplements of Mucuna pruriens found that they can be even more effective and longer lasting than traditional Parkinson's medications, as well as having fewer side effects (see studies on this here: 24, 25). But keep in mind that these beans are toxic in high amounts. Be sure to follow the dosage recommendations on the product label.

5. Practice yoga

Physical exercise increases endorphin levels and improves mood. After ten minutes of aerobic activity, improvements in mood can already be seen, but they tend to be higher after 20 minutes (see study about it here: 26).

Although these effects are probably not entirely due to changes in dopamine levels, animal research suggests that exercise may increase dopamine levels in the brain.

In rats, treadmill running increases dopamine release and increases the number of dopamine receptors in the brain's reward areas (see study on this: 27). However, these results have not been consistently replicated in humans.

In one study, a 30-minute bout of moderate-intensity treadmill running did not produce an increase in dopamine levels in adults.

However, a three-month study found that carrying out an hour of yoga six days a week significantly increased dopamine levels.

Frequent aerobic exercise also benefits people with Parkinson's disease, a condition in which low levels of dopamine impair the brain's ability to control body movements.

Several studies have shown that regular intense exercise several times a week significantly improves motor control in people with Parkinson's, suggesting that there may be a beneficial effect on the dopamine system (see studies 28, 29 here).

More research is needed to determine the intensity, type and duration of exercise that is most effective in increasing dopamine in humans, but the research already done is very promising.

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6. Get enough sleep

When dopamine is released in the brain, there is a sense of alertness and alertness.

Animal studies show that dopamine is released in large amounts in the morning, when it's time to wake up, and that levels naturally drop at night, when it's time to go to sleep.

However, sleep deprivation appears to disrupt these natural rhythms.

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When people are forced to stay awake at night, the availability of dopamine receptors in the brain is drastically reduced the next morning (see study on this: 30).

Because dopamine promotes wakefulness, reducing the sensitivity of the receptors should make it easier to sleep, especially after a sleepless night. However, having less dopamine usually comes with other unpleasant consequences, such as reduced concentration and poor coordination (see studies on this here: 31, 32).

Getting regular, high-quality sleep can help keep dopamine levels balanced and promote wakefulness throughout the day (see study here: 33).

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7. listen to music

Listening to music can be a fun way to increase dopamine in the brain.

Several brain imaging studies have found that listening to music increases activity in the reward and pleasure areas, which are rich in dopamine receptors (see studies here: 34, 35).

A small study that investigated the effects of music on dopamine showed that there was a 9% increase in dopamine levels in the brain when people listened to instrumental music that gave them the creeps.

As music can increase dopamine levels, it also helps people with Parkinson's disease to improve fine motor control (see study about it here: 36).

To date, all studies on music and dopamine have used instrumental music. More research is needed to see if songs with lyrics have the same effects, or are potentially greater.

8. Meditate

A study including eight experienced meditation teachers showed that there was a 64% increase in dopamine production after meditating for an hour, compared to quiet rest.

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9. Expose yourself to the sun

While sun exposure can increase dopamine levels and improve mood, it's important to follow safety guidelines, as excessive sun exposure can be harmful (can cause skin cancer and other problems) and possibly addictive.

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A study of tanning bed users at least twice a week for a year found that tanning sessions led to a significant increase in dopamine levels and a desire to repeat the behavior.

10. Inhale Bergamot Essential Oil

A small study of women in Japan found that inhaled bergamot essential oil mixed with water vapor reduced anxiety and fatigue. One article concluded that bergamot aromatherapy can alleviate depression, anxiety and other mood disorders by causing the brain to increase the release of dopamine and serotonin.

11. Take supplement

The body requires various vitamins and minerals to create dopamine. These include iron, niacin, folate and vitamin B6 (see studies on this here: 37, 38, 39). If you are deficient in any of these nutrients, it is possible that your dopamine levels are low (see study about it here: 40).

In addition to adequate nutrition, several other supplements have been linked to increased dopamine levels, but so far research is limited to animal studies. These supplements include magnesium, vitamin D, curcumin, oregano extract and green tea. However, more research is needed in humans (see studies about it here: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45).

Adapted from Erica Julson - Healthline

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