How to unclog your nose naturally

Make a homemade nasal decongestant recipe with natural and inexpensive ingredients

clog your nose naturally

The respiratory system suffers a lot during periods of drought, which add up to pollution and end up clogging the airways. In situations like this, it can be helpful to use a nasal decongestant to alleviate the condition of your stuffy nose and the respiratory system as a whole. At other times of the year, it's also not uncommon for a stronger air conditioner or an unexpected temperature shock to affect our respiratory health - for those who suffer from rhinitis, then knowing how to unclog your nose in a natural way can save you a good deal. money at the pharmacy.

The nasal decongestant is important to clear the airways and other blocked parts of the body. This recipe, which uses olive oil, coconut oil and essential oils, is a great way to unclog your nose naturally. It is enough to pass on regions such as the face and chest that relief is quick.

Conventional decongestants sold in pharmacies have petrochemical ingredients that should be avoided, as we are not sure about the effects of these substances on human health. The vast majority of vaporizers are composed of “special petroleum jelly” and turpentine essence (which are petrochemicals), in addition to camphor, eucalyptol, 2.6% menthol, cedar oil, nutmeg oil and thymol.

How to unclog your nose

Thinking about helping you to breathe deeply throughout the year, the team at eCycle portal prepared a recipe for homemade nasal decongestant made with natural and inexpensive ingredients. Just follow the step by step below and do yours at home to unclog your nose quickly.

Ingredients to unclog your nose naturally

  • 1/2 cup of olive oil;
  • 1 cup coconut oil;
  • ¾ cup of gum arabic;
  • 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
  • 10 drops of peppermint essential oil;
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 10 drops of rosemary essential oil;
  • 10 drops of camphor essential oil.

How to make

Melt coconut oil, olive oil and gum arabic in a double boiler and mix well - the procedure can also be done in a water bath, being very careful not to burn yourself.

When the above ingredients have melted, add the essential oils. Pour into glass or metal pots or pans and let stand until dry. If you want, once dry, melt again your homemade nasal decongestant and add more essential oils, so your decongestant will be a little stronger - in this case you have to wait for the mixture to dry before repeating the process.

Once the mixture has set its consistency, simply rub the natural decongestant into your chest to help unclog your nose, calm congestion and cough. Remember that the texture of coconut oil varies according to the temperature, so it is normal that in winter it is harder and, in summer, softer (or even liquid). It is interesting to use glass jars so that the temperature does not affect your homemade nasal decongestant as much, as metal containers are more influenced by cold or heat.

Read more about essential oils and understand their role in Aromatherapy:

  • Essential Oils: A Complete Guide

  • What is aromatherapy and what are its benefits?

  • Discover nine essential oils and their benefits

  • What are essential oils?
  • What are terpenes?

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