Garlic tea: how to make and benefits

Garlic tea has several health benefits. Check out!

garlic tea

Dennis van Lith image in Unsplash

In general, teas are known for their various medicinal properties. Whether to help immunity or to reduce pain, there is always a tea to treat symptoms. Among them, garlic tea, which, despite not being preferred by most people, can provide several health benefits.

What is garlic tea?

Garlic tea is a drink made by infusing a plant known as garlic. scientifically called Allium sativum, this plant can be used both as a spice and for medicinal purposes.

In Brazil, garlic is one of the plants indicated for treatments in the National Public Health Service, in various forms of use and for various diseases.

When eaten straight, the taste of garlic is strong and even unpleasant for some people. Therefore, its tea version is a good option for those who want to get the benefits of food.

What is the garlic tea for

Garlic tea helps in the proper functioning of various areas of the body and in the body's balance. Find out what garlic tea is for and what its main benefits are:

To the heart

Garlic has a compound called allicin, which is mainly responsible for its medicinal purposes. Because it works as a vasodilator, the substance participates in reducing blood pressure in cases of high blood pressure. In this way, garlic tea facilitates blood flow, preventing cardiovascular diseases such as a heart attack.

for the immune system

In addition to allicin, garlic tea is rich in vitamin C, a substance that helps in the production of white blood cells. Therefore, it can strongly support the immune system, fighting cold and flu symptoms. Garlic tea also has expectorant properties, which can help treat cases such as mucus buildup.

In addition, tea helps to treat other infections as it has an antifungal and antibacterial effect.

for cholesterol

The allicin substance in garlic also lowers cholesterol levels. Thus, garlic tea helps prevent problems such as atherosclerosis — hardening of the arteries due to an accumulation of fat — for example.

for the skin

Garlic has antioxidant elements in its composition, such as selenium, which work by fighting free radicals — molecules capable of causing cells to age. Thus, the consumption of garlic tea prevents premature aging of cells and tissues.

for the cough

Garlic tea is a good ally for those who want to stop coughing. Because it has expectorant properties, the drink helps to eliminate excess mucus. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties found in garlic tea help reduce inflammation in the lungs, one of the possible causes of this symptom.

To lose weight

There is still no scientific proof that garlic tea helps with weight loss. However, garlic has thermogenic properties, that is, it promotes an increase in body temperature, which can lead to more accelerated fat burning.

In addition, the drink can help promote satiety, which reduces hunger and, consequently, causes fewer calories to be ingested. However, it is worth remembering that only garlic tea will not bring results on the scale. For a significant weight loss, it is necessary, along with consumption, the practice of physical exercise and a balanced diet.

Benefits of Garlic Tea

The main benefits provided by the consumption of garlic tea are:

  • Helps control blood pressure;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Helps control cholesterol;
  • Prevents premature aging;
  • Helps fight infections;
  • Helps you lose weight.

It is noteworthy that, if taken in large amounts, garlic tea causes strong breath and can cause gastric reactions. Therefore, pay attention to the quantities ingested. In case of strong breath, chew three mint leaves after drinking the drink. Mint acts as a deodorizing element, decreasing the odor left in the mouth by tea.

Contraindications of garlic tea

Like other teas, garlic tea has some contraindications. In general, drinking the drink is not indicated for people with problems related to low blood pressure, since it works to reduce blood pressure.

In addition, people with bleeding disorders or who have had recent surgery should also avoid tea, as drinking tea can increase the risk of bleeding. Check with your doctor to see if you can have garlic tea.

How to make garlic tea?

Garlic tea can be made pure or with ingredients such as honey, lemon and ginger to help reduce the strong flavor of the drink and maximize its therapeutic effects.

pure garlic tea

Follow the step by step below to prepare pure garlic tea:

  1. Boil about 250 mL of water;
  2. Peel 2 or 3 cloves of garlic;
  3. Mash the garlic and place it in a cup;
  4. Add boiling water and dampen with a cloth;
  5. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and drink it warm, without sweetening.

garlic tea with honey

Honey can be used to sweeten garlic tea. To do this, just add between 1 and 2 tablespoons of honey to the ready-made tea.

garlic tea with lemon

Adding lemon to garlic tea can help to further intensify the drink's benefits. This is because lemon is rich in antioxidant substances that help prevent premature aging. In addition, it has properties that help eliminate toxins from the body. To prepare the drink, follow the steps:

  1. In a container, add 250 mL of water;
  2. Cut 1 whole lemon into 4 parts and peel 2 cloves of garlic;
  3. Add lemon slices and garlic to water and boil;
  4. After boiling, smother the drink with a cloth and let it rest for between 5 and 10 minutes;
  5. Strain and drink warm.

Garlic tea with ginger

Like garlic and lemon tea, the combination of garlic and ginger is also a good option when preparing tea. Ginger's anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties help to intensify the benefits provided by garlic, in addition to promoting a distinctive flavor to the drink. To prepare the drink, just follow the step by step:

  1. Mash 3 cloves of garlic;
  2. Add the crushed garlic to 500 ml of water and bring to a boil;
  3. Cut or grate 1 piece of ginger;
  4. Add chopped ginger to boiled garlic water;
  5. Reduce the heat and cover the pan, letting it simmer for about 5 minutes;
  6. After that time, remove from heat and let it cool. Drink it warm.

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